Publications by Martin Monkman
EARL conference recap: Seattle 2018
I had the pleasure of attending the EARL (Enterprise Applications of the R Language) Conference held in Seattle on 2018-11-07, and the honour of being one of the speakers. The EARL conferences occupy a unique niche in the R conference universe, bringing together the I-use-it-at-work contingent of the R community. The Seattle event was...
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MLB run scoring trends: Shiny app update
The new Major League Baseball season will soon begin, which means it’s time to look back and update my run scoring trends data visualization application, built using RStudio’s shiny package. You can find the app here: The github repo for this app is
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MLB run scoring trends: Shiny app update
The new Major League Baseball season will soon begin, which means it’s time to look back and update my run scoring trends data visualization application, built using RStudio’s shiny package. You can find the app here: The github repo for this app is
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Same name, different bird
What do we mean when we see a bird and say that it’s a robin? A simple description would be a small brownish bird with a red breast. But that’s a superficial description, and when we say “robin” what we mean depends on your location; you don’t have to look very closely to see that the European and American robins are fundame...
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