Publications by Mark T Patterson

Rblogger Posting Patterns Analyzed with R


I've been a big fan of rbloggers for quite some time, but have only recently started contributing myself. After my first post yesterday, I immidiately started wondering how long most other bloggers go between posts. I decided to gather the list of past posts to rbloggers to investigate a bit. I've posted the data (as of yesterday evening) ...

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Play 2048… using R!


I've lost about 100 hours over the past week to the black hole of 2048. In an attempt to extricate myself, I thought I'd try writing an R script to play for me. While there are already a ton of great algorithms for the game, I haven't seen any implemented in R. There's a recent package, RSelenium that allows you to drive your browser throu...

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T-Shirts … designed with R!


On Friday, I saw David Smith's post on a competition to design this year's useR! conference t-shirt. The goal is to create a design generated using an R script, which will be featured on the back of the shirt. Having a bit of time this weekend, I decided to try plotting the R logo, using base graphics, represented by a scatter of points –...

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Quarterback Completion Heatmap Using dplyr


Several months ago, I found Bryan Povlinkski's (really nicely cleaned) dataset with 2013 NFL play-by-play information, based on data released by Brian Burke at Advanced Football Analytics. I decided to browse QB completion rates based on Pass Location (Left, Middle, Right), Pass Distance (Short or Deep), and Down. I ended up focusing on the 5...

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Morse Code Converter


A few months ago, I finally got a chance to see The Imitation Game (the new Alan Turing movie), which gave me an idea for a Sunday morning R hacking session. The movie features a bunch of scenes with bustling rooms full or workers intercepting (and documenting) encrypted radio transmissions, which are then passed along to Turing’s decryption d...

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