Publications by Maëlle Salmon

Who were the notable dead of Wikipedia?


As described in my last post, I extracted all notable deaths from Wikipedia over the 2004-2016 period. In this post I want to explore this study population. Who were the notable dead? How old were notable dead? Let me assume here most entries of the table are humans. I won’t make the effort to remove dogs or horses from the list yet, which int...

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Extracting notable deaths from Wikipedia


I like Wikipedia. My husband likes it even more, he included it in his PhD thesis acknowledgements! I appreciate the efforts done for sharing knowledge, and also the apparently random stuff you can find on the website. In particular, I’ve been intrigued by the monthly lists of notable deaths such as this one. Who are people (or dogs, yes, dogs)...

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Were there more notable deaths than expected in 2016?


After exploring my study population of Wikipedia deaths, I want to analyse the time series of monthly counts of notable deaths. This is not a random interest of mine, my PhD thesis was about monitoring time series of count, the application being weekly number of reported cases of various diseases. Number of deaths reported over time library("ggp...

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A plot against the CatterPlots complot


In these terrible times, we R people have more important subjects to debate/care about than ggplot2 vs. base R graphics (isn’t even worth discussing anyway, ggplot2 is clearly the best alternative). Or so I thought until I saw CatterPlots trending on Twitter this week and even being featured on Revolutions blog. It was cool because plots with c...

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A plot against the CatterPlots complot


In these terrible times, we R people have more important subjects to debate/care about than ggplot2 vs. base R graphics (isn’t even worth discussing anyway, ggplot2 is clearly the best alternative). Or so I thought until I saw CatterPlots trending on Twitter this week and even being featured on Revolutions blog. It was cool because plots with c...

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Bar bar plots but not Babar plots


You might have heard of the “bar bar plots” movement whose goal is to prevent using (let’s use ggplot2 language shall we) geom_bar when you could have used e.g. geom_boxplot or geom_histogram because the bar plot hides the variability of the distributions you say you’re comparing, even if you add some sort of error bar. I whole-heartedly ...

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Bar bar plots but not Babar plots


You might have heard of the “bar bar plots” movement whose goal is to prevent using (let’s use ggplot2 language shall we) geom_bar when you could have used e.g. geom_boxplot or geom_histogram because the bar plot hides the variability of the distributions you say you’re comparing, even if you add some sort of error bar. I whole-heartedly ...

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First commit or initial commit?


When I create a new .git repository, my first commit message tends to be “1st commit”. I’ve been wondering what other people use as initial commit message. Today I used the gh package to get first commits of all repositories of the ropensci and ropenscilabs organizations. The sample might seem a bit small, but I just wanted to start explor...

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First commit or initial commit?


When I create a new .git repository, my first commit message tends to be “1st commit”. I’ve been wondering what other people use as initial commit message. Today I used the gh package to get first commits of all repositories of the ropensci and ropenscilabs organizations. The sample might seem a bit small, but I just wanted to start explor...

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ropenaq, a breath of fresh air/R


Do you fancy open data, R, and breathing? Then you might be interested in ropenaq which provides access to open air quality data via OpenAQ! Also note that in French, R and air are homophones, therefore we French speakers can make puns like the one in the title. Please re-read it with a French accent and don't judge me. In this post I'll motivate...

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