Publications by Daria Karpova

SwiftKey Text Prediction


SwiftKey Text PredictionDaria Karpova5/19/2021 Summary The presented application tries to predict the next word given a text, phrase or just a word. The followwing are characteristics of the app. Based on N-grams Requires only a couple of seconds to predict a word Ten possibilities are presented to the user Built using the Coursera SwiftKey da...

1103 sym 2 img

Developing data products. Assignment 2.


About this project This project has been created for the first assignment of the ‘Developing Data Products’ course on Coursera conducted by John Hopkins University. In order to run this code you need to have ‘plotly’ package installed in RStudio. It can be done by running the following command from R console: install.packages(“plotly�...

835 sym R (1136 sym/12 pcs)

Developing data products. Assignment 1.


About this project This project has been created for the first assignment of the ‘Developing Data Products’ course on Coursera conducted by John Hopkins University. In order to run this code you need to have ‘leaflet’ package installed in RStudio. It can be done by running the following command from R console: install.packages(“leaflet...

913 sym R (471 sym/4 pcs)

Reproducible Research. Project 2.


This analysis has been created as a solution to the second assignment in Reproducible Research course conducted by Jonhs Hopkins University on Coursera. Description / Instructions The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events. You must use the database to answe...

1301 sym R (5588 sym/18 pcs) 2 img

Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch


Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible PitchDaria Karpova12.05.2021 About the project This project is created for the 'Developing Data Products' course on Coursera conducted by The Jonh's Hopkins University. The presented application is a simple calculator with the abilities to sum, subtract, multiply, divide and take to a power. A ...

1172 sym R (938 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

SwiftKey Text Prediction Milestone Report


About this project This project has been created for Data Science Capstone course from ‘Data Science Specialization’ on Coursera provided by ‘Johns Hopkins University’. The corpora are collected from publicly available sources by a web crawler. The crawler checks for language, so as to mainly get texts consisting of the desired language. ...

5026 sym R (6685 sym/16 pcs) 7 img