Publications by Machine Learning in R
The “Cross-Validation – Train/Predict” misunderstanding
Introduction Over the past years I’ve seen multiple posts on Stackoverflow and our GitHub issues which suffer from a conceptual misunderstanding: cross-validation (CV) vs. train/predict. Because train/predict is an essential part of cross-validation, the point might not be so obvious. I’ll try to make it more clear by providing some exemplary...
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mlr3 package updates – Q3/2021
Due to the high amount of packages in the mlr3 ecosystem, it is hard to keep up with the latest changes across all packages. This post tries to tackle this issue by listing all release notes of the packages most recent releases in the last quarter. Note that only CRAN packages are listed here and the sort order is alphabetically. Interval: 2021-07...
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mlr3 package updates – Q3/2021
Due to the high amount of packages in the mlr3 ecosystem, it is hard to keep up with the latest changes across all packages. This post tries to tackle this issue by listing all release notes of the packages most recent releases in the last quarter. Note that only CRAN packages are listed here and the sort order is alphabetically. Interval: 2021-0...
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mlr3 package updates – Q3/2021
Due to the high amount of packages in the mlr3 ecosystem, it is hard to keep up with the latest changes across all packages. This post tries to tackle this issue by listing all release notes of the packages most recent releases in the last quarter. Note that only CRAN packages are listed here and the sort order is alphabetically. Interval: 2021-0...
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mlr workshop 2021 recap
This blog post is a recap of the mlr-org workshop 2021 which took place from the 28th of September until the 10th of October. First of all, we would like to thank all people and organizations which made this workshop possible: our (19) GitHub sponsors ⭐️ the Statistical Learning and Data Science group of LMU Munich cynkra Essential Data Scie...
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mlr3 package updates – Q4/2021
Due to the high amount of packages in the mlr3 ecosystem, it is hard to keep up with the latest changes across all packages. This posts gives an overview by listing the recent release notes of mlr3 packages from the last quarter. Note that only CRAN packages are listed here and the sort order is alphabetically. Interval: 2021-10-01 – 2021-12-31...
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Announcing mlr3spatial
We are happy to announce that mlr3spatial has been released on CRAN in November 2021. mlr3spatial simplifies the handling of spatial objects in the mlr3 ecosystem. Before mlr3spatial, the user had to extract tabular data from spatial objects to train a model or predict spatial data. Now, mlr3 Tasks can directly read from spatial objects via speci...
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Google Summer of Code and mlr3
Our Org is currently thinking about participating in GSOC 2022 again. We are considering which projects to propose and would also like to collect input. This year’s Google Summer of Code is not only directed at students but at a broader audience of people new to FOSS. We have thought about the following projects: mlr3multioutput We would like ...
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