Publications by Mark Nicholls
RepData Peer Assessment 2
Synopsis Here I analyze Storm Data data available from the US National Weather Service. I attempt to provide some information regarding the most damaging types of severe weather events so that policy makers can decide where to prioritize spending their budgets. I split the definition of damage into two areas; Human damage and Economic damage. I s...
2531 sym R (3160 sym/8 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl
Coursera Stat Inf Course project pt 2
Basic Inferential Data Analysis Overview Here I will load up the ToothGrowth data, then perform some basic exploratory data analyses. I’ll then show an appropriate plot to summarize the data. I’ll then use hypothesis tests to compare tooth growth by supplement and dose, and then state my assumptions and conclusions Basic summary of the data...
2244 sym R (1974 sym/15 pcs) 1 img
Coursera Stat Inf Course project pt1
Statistical Inference Course Project Part 1 Exponential Distribution The aim of this analysis is to investigate the exponential distribution in R through sampling simulation. I will collect 1000 samples of 40 random exponentials with rate 0.2, and take the mean and standard deviations. Then i will compare this to the theoretical mean, theoretica...
2248 sym R (2323 sym/5 pcs) 4 img
Regression Models Course Project
Executive Summary I have been asked to explore the relationship between vehicle transmission and fuel economy (in Miles Per Gallon / MPG), in order to answer these questions: “Is automatic or manual better for MPG” “Quantify the difference between automatic and manual transmissions” For this analysis I will use the mtcars data, a standa...
3705 sym 3 img 4 tbl
Machine Learning Course Project
Introduction For this course project I have been asked to examine the Weight Lifting Exercises dataset kindly provided by The goal is to predict the quality of execution of a movement, specifically the “Dumbbell Curl” exercise. Six participants were ask to perform the exercise correctly and then incorr...
1947 sym R (5235 sym/17 pcs) 1 img
Data Products Week 3 Assignment
28/06/2021 Instructions Create a web page presentation using R Markdown that features a plot created with Plotly. Host your webpage on either GitHub Pages, RPubs, or NeoCities. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a plot created with Plotly. We would love to see you show off your creativity! Crite...
1245 sym R (72 sym/1 pcs)
Data Products Week2 Assignment
Mapping 2011 Population Data for 10 Most populated towns in West Sussex (UK) library(leaflet) ## Warning: package 'leaflet' was built under R version 4.0.5 df <- data.frame( town = c("Worthing", "Crawley", "Bognor Regis", "Littlehampton", "Shoreham-by-Sea", ...
88 sym R (1512 sym/5 pcs)
Fast App Slides
16/07/2021 Fast Car App This is a presentation about my app submission for the Data Products Course project. I have made an app that will predict the standing quarter mile time of a car, the model is trained on the MTcars data set. The model is built from the following 3 features Weight (wt) Horsepower (hp) Number of Cylinders (cyl) Weight Rel...
421 sym R (447 sym/3 pcs) 3 img