Publications by Maryluz Cruz

Data 622 HW1


Data 622 Homework 1 Maryluz Cruz 2021-02-19 library(DataExplorer) library(palmerpenguins) library(psych) library(GGally) library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(reshape) library(kableExtra) library(MASS) library(caret) library(pROC) library(nnet) For this assignment we are going to use the palmerpenguins package. more information...

5106 sym R (6238 sym/29 pcs) 6 img 4 tbl

Data 624 HW 1


Data 624 Homework 1 Maryluz Cruz 2021-02-14 Data 624 HW 1 2.1.Use the help function to explore what the series gold, woolyrnq and gas represent. gold help(gold) head(gold) ## Time Series: ## Start = 1 ## End = 6 ## Frequency = 1 ## [1] 306.25 299.50 303.45 296.75 304.40 298.35 Daily morning gold prices in US dollars. 1 January 1985 –...

3851 sym R (1547 sym/52 pcs) 32 img

Data 622 HW 2


Data 622 HW 2 Maryluz Cruz 2021-03-19 require(psych) require(caret) require(e1071) require(DataExplorer) require(palmerpenguins) require(MASS) require(tidyverse) require(GGally) a. Linear Discriminant Analysis You want to evaluate all the ‘features’ or dependent variables and see what should be in your model. Please comment on your ...

3701 sym R (7978 sym/41 pcs) 5 img

Data 624 HW 4


Data 624 HW 4 Maryluz Cruz 2021-03-08 3.1. The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository6 contains a data set relatedto glass identification. The data consist of 214 glass samples labeled as one of seven class categories. There are nine predictors, including the refractive index and percentages of eight elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ba, and Fe. T...

2428 sym R (14457 sym/20 pcs) 12 img

Data 624 HW 3


Data 624 HW 3 Maryluz Cruz 2021-03-08 require(fpp2) require(fpp3) require(readxl) 6.2. The plastics data set consists of the monthly sales (in thousands) of product A for a plastics manufacturer for five years. Plot the time series of sales of product A. Can you identify seasonal fluctuations and/or a trend-cycle? autoplot(plastics) ggseaso...

1544 sym R (1296 sym/11 pcs) 9 img

Data 624 HW 5


Data 624 HW 5 Maryluz Cruz 2021-03-15 require(fpp2) 7.1.Consider the pigs series — the number of pigs slaughtered in Victoria each month. Use the ses() function in R to find the optimal values of α and ℓ0, and generate forecasts for the next four months. pigsfc <- ses(pigs, h = 4) pigsfc$model ## Simple exponential smoothing ## ## Ca...

3936 sym R (11353 sym/78 pcs) 13 img



Data 624 HW 6 Maryluz Cruz 2021-03-29 require(fpp2) 8.1. Figure 8.31 shows the ACFs for 36 random numbers, 360 random numbers and 1,000 random numbers. a. Explain the differences among these figures. Do they all indicate that the data are white noise? Figure 8.31: Left: ACF for a white noise series of 36 numbers. Middle: ACF for a white noise...

5871 sym R (4128 sym/78 pcs) 43 img

Data 624 Project 1


Your Document Title Document Author 2021-04-12 require(tidyverse) require(readxl) require(fpp2) require(plotly) require(kableExtra) require(DataExplorer) require(GGally) require(ggplot2) require(ggpubr) require(smooth) Part A – ATM Forecast, ATM624Data.xlsx In part A, I want you to forecast how much cash is taken out of 4 different A...

7184 sym R (26597 sym/119 pcs) 52 img 4 tbl

Data 624 HW 10


Data 624 HW 10 Maryluz Cruz 2021-05-12 library(arules) library(arulesViz) library(dplyr) Imagine 10000 receipts sitting on your table. Each receipt represents a transaction with items that were purchased. The receipt is a representation of stuff that went into a customer’s basket - and therefore ‘Market Basket Analysis’. That is exactly ...

1923 sym R (6922 sym/20 pcs) 6 img

Data 624 HW 8


Data 624 HW 8 Maryluz Cruz 2021-04-26 7.2. Friedman (1991) introduced several benchmark data sets create by simulation. One of these simulations used the following nonlinear equation to create data: y = 10 sin(πx1x2) + 20(x3 − 0.5)2 + 10x4 + 5x5 + N(0, σ2) where the x values are random variables uniformly distributed between...

3384 sym R (27595 sym/58 pcs) 10 img 3 tbl