Publications by Lorenz Walthert

strcode – structure your code better


I am pleased to announce my package strcode, a package that should make structuring code easier. You can install it from GitHub, a CRAN submission is planned at a later stage. devtools::install_github("lorenzwalthert/strcode") A concept for code structuring The main feature of the package is its function to insert code breaks. These are helpful ...

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styler – A non-invasive source code formatter for R


I am pleased to announce that the R package styler, which I have worked on through Google Summer of Code 2017 with Kirill Müller and Yihui Xie, has reached a mature stage. You can now install it from CRAN install.packages("styler") If your CRAN mirror does not yet have it, you can get it from GitHub with remotes::install_github("r-lib/styler"). ...

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styler 1.0.1


styler 1.0.1 is now available on CRAN. It is mainly a maintenance release and contains bug fixes and speed improvements. The highlights are: styler 1.0.1 requires tibble 1.4.2 which was optimized for speed, so if you have it installed, styler runs ~2x as fast as before. We’re now recognizing and respecting more DSLs used in R comments: rplumbe...

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styler 1.0.1


styler 1.0.1 is now available on CRAN. It is mainly a maintenance release and contains bug fixes and speed improvements. The highlights are: styler 1.0.1 requires tibble 1.4.2 which was optimized for speed, so if you have it installed, styler runs ~2x as fast as before. We’re now recognizing and respecting more DSLs used in R comme...

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styler 1.0.1


styler 1.0.1 is now available on CRAN. It is mainly a maintenance release and contains bug fixes and speed improvements. The highlights are: styler 1.0.1 requires tibble 1.4.2 which was optimized for speed, so if you have it installed, styler runs ~2x as fast as before. We’re now recognizing and respecting more DSLs used in R comme...

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oneliner – a new style guide for styler


I am happy to introduce oneliner, a package that implements the one-line-style as a third-party style guide ready to use with styler. Hence, after the tidyverse style guide, this is the first third-party style guide for styler I am aware of – and a particularly useful one. Let’s see an example # remotes::install_github("lorenzwalthert/oneline...

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oneliner – a new style guide for styler


I am happy to introduce oneliner, a package that implements the one-line-style as a third-party style guide ready to use with styler. Hence, after the tidyverse style guide, this is the first third-party style guide for styler I am aware of – and a particularly useful one. Let’s see an example # remotes::install_github(“lorenzwa...

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oneliner – a new style guide for styler


I am happy to introduce oneliner, a package that implements the one-line-style as a third-party style guide ready to use with styler. Hence, after the tidyverse style guide, this is the first third-party style guide for styler I am aware of – and a particularly useful one. Let’s see an example # remotes::install_github(“lorenzwa...

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Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis


The problem Some time ago, I started a blog. I actually did not post a whole lot of stuff though. I was using Jekyll, but my set-up was rather brittle and there were a few problems: I could not use R Markdown directly. I always had to knitr manually to get plain Markdown from my R Markdown files and then use them as input for Jekyll....

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Switching to blogdown, Netlify and Travis


The problem Some time ago, I started a blog. I actually did not post a whole lot of stuff though. I was using Jekyll, but my set-up was rather brittle and there were a few problems: I could not use R Markdown directly. I always had to knitr manually to get plain Markdown from my R Markdown files and then use them as input for Jekyll. Since the m...

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