Publications by Longhow Lam

Amsterdam in an R leaflet nutshell


The municipal services of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) is providing open panorama images. See here and here. A camera car has driven around in the city, and now you can download these images. Per neighborhood of Amsterdam  I randomly sampled 20 images and put them in an animated gif using R magick and the put it on a interactive leaflet map. Befo...

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Cucumber time, food on a 2D plate / plane


Introduction It is 35 degree Celsius out side, we are in the middle of the ‘slow news season’, in many countries also called cucumber time.  A period typified by the appearance of less informative and frivolous news in the media. Did you know that 100 g of cucumber contain 0.28 mg of iron and 1.67 g of sugar? You can find all the nutrient va...

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SatRday talks recordings


A couple of weeks ago, the first of September we had satRday in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) a fantastic event hosted by GoDataDriven. Now the great talks, including my 10 minute lightning talk on text2vec are online. My talk The satRday channel Cheers, Longhow Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on thei...

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An R Shiny app to recognize flower species


Introduction Playing around with PyTorch and R Shiny resulted in a simple Shiny app where the user can upload a flower image, the system will then predict the flower species. Steps that I took Download labeled flower data from the Visual Geometry Group,Install Pytorch and download their transfer learning tutorial script,You need to slightly adjus...

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Selecting ‘special’ photos on your phone


At the beginning of the new year I always want to clean up my photos on my phone. It just never happens. So now (like so many others I think) I have a lot of photos on my phone from the last 3.5 years. The iPhone photos app helps you a bit to go through your photos. But which ones are really special and you definitely want to keep? Well, just ap...

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Are you leaking h2o? Call plumber!


Create a predictive model with the h2o package. H2o is a fantastic open source machine learning platform with many different algorithms. There is Graphical user interface, a Python interface and an R interface. Suppose you want to create a predictive model, and you are lazy then just run automl. Lets say, we have both train and test data sets, an...

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Dataiku with RStudio integration


Introduction Some time ago I wrote about the support for R users within Dataiku. The software can really boost the productivity of R users by having: Managed R code environments,Support for publishing of R markdown files and shiny apps in Dataiku dashboards,The ability to easily create and deploy API’s based on R functions. See the blog post he...

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