Publications by Laura Swales

VirtuEARL: Speaker interview


We caught up with one of our VirtuEARL speakers and EARL regulars Jeremy Horne on what we can expect from his VirtuEARL talk and how he thinks the R community has adapted since lockdown. You’ve presented a few times now at EARL, what makes you come back each time? ​I’ve said it for several years now – EARL has become the “must go” eve...

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R – Risk and Compliance Survey: we need your help!


We would like to evaluate how business restrictions impact the commercial usage of R. To do this, we would love to hear your thoughts. We have created a short survey, which should take one minute of your time. Complete the survey.  Thank you! The post R – Risk and Compliance Survey: we need your help! appeared first on Mango Solutions. Relat...

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Does management stand in your way when it comes to using R?


We recently launched a survey which looks into how business restrictions impact the commercial usage of R. We want to know if your company has concerns around the use of an open source language – many respondents have already replied that management is a key blocker in being able to use R at work. If you have any other reasons why you are not a...

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Countdown to VirtuEARL 2020


The countdown to VirtuEARL has begun! The online Enterprise Applications of the R Language conference starts on Thursday 8th October with the first part of Max Kuhn’s tidymodels workshop.  If you can’t attend the live events(s) you don’t need to miss out; ticket holders can enjoy the sessions they register for even after these have finishe...

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2020 Earl Conference Insights


This year the EARL conference was held virtually due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. Although this removed the valuable networking element of the conference, the ‘VirtuEARL’ virtual approach meant we reached a geographically wider audience and ensured a successful conference. Thought leadership from academia and industry logged in to...

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LondonR February 2021


In 2020 LondonR moved online and whilst we have missed the opportunity to connect face-to-face over a few drinks, it has been great to keep in touch with the R stats community virtually. The move to online meetups has enabled us to make LondonR more accessible – something we will take forward with us when we move back to in-person meetups – a...

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rstudio::global(2021) highlights


On Thursday 21st January rstudio::global kicked off a 24-hour long virtual data science conference. Over 16,000 people registered to join what was sure to be one of the highlights of the data science calendar in 2021. As a RStudio Full Certified Partner, Mango were proud to be a sponsor of the conference and enjoyed talking to attendees in our sp...

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EARL 2021: Abstract submissions are open


The Enterprise Applications of the R Language Conference is back for 2021! We are working on whether the event will be held in-person or online, but the dates will be 7-9 September 2021. For those of you who haven’t attended EARL before, this conference focuses the on real-world usage of R. A huge variety of sectors are represented, and talks c...

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6 tips for presenting successfully online


Virtual events will be a constant fixture on our calendars for the remainder of 2021, and are set to be just as popular once Covid calms down. The upside to this is the ability for speakers to present from anywhere in the world, as well as making events more accessible to attendees. Presenting to nothing but your screen can be a daunting experien...

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EARL abstracts – closing soon


There is still time left for you to submit your abstract for the Enterprise Applications of the R Language Conference. EARL will be held online this year on Friday 10th September and we are pleased to be able to welcome talks from across the globe. The abstract deadline is the 31st of March – please use this form to submit your talk. If you use...

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