Publications by Laura Ellis

Let’s get LEGO’d!


If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I like to create some pretty weird and nerd-fabulous graphs. In this blog I’ll introduce you to a new and exciting form of neat R graphs that I recently stumbled upon. Often times, my blogs are tutorials. However, since Ryan Timpe and Tyler Morgan-Wall have done such a great job documenting th...

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Create interactive ggplot2 graphs with plotly


 One of the main reasons that I fell in love with R is for ggplot2. As Jennifer Thompson so eloquently put it: “I *used* R before ggplot, but I never loved until then” — Jennifer Thompson As someone very interested in storytelling, ggplot2 is easily my data visualization tool of choice. It is like the Swiss army knife for data visuali...

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Set Analysis: A face off between Venn diagrams and UpSet plots


It’s time for me to come clean about something; I think Venn diagrams are fun! Yes that’s right, I like them. They’re pretty, they’re often funny, and they convey the straight forward overlap between one or two sets somewhat easily. Because I like making nerd comedy graphs, I considered sharing with y’all how to create Venn diagrams...

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Part 2: Simple EDA in R with inspectdf


Previously, I wrote a blog post showing a number of R packages and functions which you could use to quickly explore your data set. Since posting that, I’ve become aware of another exciting EDA package: inspectdf by Alastair Rushworth! As is very often the case, I became aware of this package in a twitter post by none other than Mara Averick. ...

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Create Easy to Follow Technical Tutorials


I really like teaching people. My parents were both teachers, and I very seriously considered following in their footsteps. While I ultimately didn’t pursue a career in teaching, I’ve been fortunate to fill that void through teaching both formally and informally as a part of my career in tech. I’ve also written a lot of tutorials. I�...

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From Data to Viz


WHAT IS IT?From data to viz is an excellent data visualization tutorial website. It’s a great way to get familiar with the most popular graphing formats. It allow the user to navigate their different graphing technique options based on the data types they are working with. For every graph type it explains how to interpret and use the chart, s...

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Create an Icon Map in R with ggmap and ggimage


Previously I have written a tutorial on how to use ggmap with R. It provides the end to end instructions on how to get started with using ggmaps, including signing up for the google service and working with your API key.This icon map tutorial is going to extend our ggmap work to create icon maps with ggmap and ggimage.Set up packagesUncomment a...

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#FunDataFriday – The magick package in R


WHAT IS IT?Magick is a package available in R that allows you to very easily work with images and animations. Jeroen Ooms is the genius behind the package.WHY IS IT AWESOME? Example graph with an animation. Produced using the magick package in R. It’s, awesome because it comes in handy every time that I want to work with images or animations...

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#FunDataFriday – Watson Studio


What is it?Watson Studio is a hosted, full service and scalable data science platform. It allows us to integrate a variety of languages, products, techniques and data assets all within one place.   Why is it awesome?As a R user, I like it because my colleagues and I can leverage the collaboration options and work in the same project space but ...

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Analyzing the bachelor franchise ratings with gtrendsR!


I’m just going to admit it: I like the bachelor series! I won’t apologize for it. And sometimes I like to have a little fun by creating weird, nerd fabulous graphs which are about silly things. This is one of those times. In this blog post, I try to identify once and for all which was the most dramatic season of the bachelor series. I ...

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