Publications by Kyle Walker
Dropdown menus in R Markdown with bsselectR
I strongly believe that interactive reports, presentations, and scholarly articles are going to become much more prominent in the years ahead. Whereas a PDF article or presentation can often only show a limited aspect of a research project, interactive documents can allow a reader or presenter to explore project content in a much broader sense. F...
4248 sym R (2714 sym/3 pcs)
Dropdown menus in R Markdown with bsselectR
I strongly believe that interactive reports, presentations, and scholarly articles are going to become much more prominent in the years ahead. Whereas a PDF article or presentation can often only show a limited aspect of a research project, interactive documents can allow a reader or presenter to explore project content in a much broader sense. F...
4243 sym R (2714 sym/3 pcs)
Spatial analysis pipelines with simple features in R
In November, the new simple features package for R sf hit CRAN. The package is like rgdal, sp, and rgeos rolled into one, is much faster, and allows for data processing with dplyr verbs! Also, as sf objects are represented in a much simpler way than sp objects, it allows for spatial analysis in R within magrittr pipelines. This post showcases som...
3131 sym R (1882 sym/8 pcs)
Spatial analysis pipelines with simple features in R
In November, the new simple features package for R sf hit CRAN. The package is like rgdal, sp, and rgeos rolled into one, is much faster, and allows for data processing with dplyr verbs! Also, as sf objects are represented in a much simpler way than sp objects, it allows for spatial analysis in R within magrittr pipelines. This post showcases som...
3126 sym R (1882 sym/8 pcs)
New in the tigris package: simple features support and historic shapefiles
I am excited to announce that tigris 0.5 is now on CRAN. This is a major release that has been in the works for several months. Get it with install.packages("tigris"). One major new feature is support for the simple features data model via the sf R package. sf allows for the representation of spatial objects in R like data frames, but with a list...
2546 sym R (1471 sym/2 pcs) 2 img
Generating metropolitan subsets of Census data with R and tigris
Need help working with Census data in your project? Contact me at [email protected] to discuss consulting support or a training workshop! Commonly, studies that use US Census data focus on topics at the scale of the metropolitan area. However, subsetting Census geographic data by metropolitan area is not always straightforward. Such a workflow f...
3430 sym R (1844 sym/9 pcs) 12 img
Getting data for every Census tract in the US with purrr and tidycensus
Interested in more tips on working with Census data? Click here to join my email list! Last week, I published the development version of my new R package, tidycensus. You can read through the documentation and some examples at I’m working on getting the package CRAN-ready with better error handling; in th...
2592 sym R (2021 sym/2 pcs)