Publications by Ekaterina Kuznetsova



mydata <- read.table("~/IMB - masters/R studio/advertisement/advertising_hw.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",") mydata <- na.omit(mydata) #get rid of NA #change names for the easier and shorter ones colnames(mydata)[1]<-("Website") colnames(mydata)[3]<-("Income") colnames(mydata)[4]<-("Internet") colnames(mydat...

4246 sym 1 img

Homework 4


mydata <- read.table("~/IMB - masters/R studio/advertisement/advertising_hw.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",") mydata <- na.omit(mydata) #get rid of NA #change names for the easier and shorter ones colnames(mydata)[1]<-("Website") colnames(mydata)[3]<-("Income") colnames(mydata)[4]<-("Internet") colnames(mydat...

4246 sym 1 img

Homework 2


mydata <- read.table("~/IMB - masters/students performance/StudentsPerformance.csv", fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".") head(mydata) ## gender race.ethnicity lunch ## 1 female group B bache...

6993 sym Python (11714 sym/55 pcs) 4 img

Homework 3


mydata <- read.table("~/IMB - masters/Happiness/2019.csv", fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".") colnames(mydata) <- c("Rank", "Country or Region", "Score", "GDP", "Social_Support", "Life_Expectancy", "Freedom", "Generosity", "Corruption") head(m...

5591 sym R (8127 sym/25 pcs) 4 img



Task 1 mydata <- read.table("~/Bootcamp R/R studio/GHSH_Pooled_Data1.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = ".") head(mydata) ## Country Year Age.Group Sex Currently_Drink_Alcohol Really_Get_Drunk ## 1 Argentina 2018 13-15 Female 50.3 30.7...

4180 sym 6 img

Homework 1


Describe your data (what is the unit of observation, sample size, define all variables, units of measurment etc.). Name the source of the data. In the presented dataset legally hopeless accounts are considered, which banks nevertheless try to recover, making various efforts depending on the total amount of debt. The assessment of the probabil...

4560 sym 3 img