Publications by Kenith Grey

Control Charts with ggQC: XbarR


XbarR charts are useful when monitoring a continuous process over time and your taking multiple samples in a given period. Some examples might include, the first, middle, and last parts coming off an assembly line, subgroups of molded parts produced several at a time over several cycles, batch uniformity of continuously produced chemical / mater...

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Control Charts with ggQC: XmR


Preparing an XmR plot is common when dealing with processes where a single product/item is made or measured and there is a significant time gap between the next production or observation. XmR plots can also be useful when dealing with outputs from a batch process rather than a continuous one. In this post, we will show how to make quick QC XmR pl...

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Infamous Inf – Part I


R’s Inf keyword – Have you’ve ever wondered what to do with it? If so, this is the first in series of posts that explore how we can exploit the keyword’s interesting properties to get the answers we need and improve code robustness. For those unfamiliar with R’s Inf keyword, it is defined as a positive or negative number divided by zero...

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Infamous Inf – Part II


R’s Inf keyword – Have you’ve ever wondered what to do with it? If so, this is the second in series of posts that explore how we can exploit the keyword’s interesting properties to get the answers we need and improve code robustness. If you want to catch up on the first post where we look at Inf and the cut() function, please see Infamous...

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Estimating Control Chart Constants with R


In this post, I will show you how a very basic R code can be used to estimate quality control constants needed to construct X-Individuals, X-Bar, and R-Bar charts. The value of this approach is that it gives you a mechanical sense of where these constants come from and some reinforcement on their application. If you work in a production or qualit...

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Source and List: Organizing R Shiny Apps


Keeping R Shiny code organized can be a challenge. One method to organize your Shiny UI and Server code is to use a combination of R’s list and source functions. Another method to organize you’re Shiny code is through modularization techniques. Here though, we’re going concentrate on the list and source options. If you feel comfortable with...

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Windows Clipboard Access with R


The windows clipboard is a quick way to get data in and out of R. How can we exploit this feature to accomplish our basic data exploration needs and when might its use be inappropriate? Read on. Overview Paste Data from Clipboard to R HTML Tables Spreadsheets Copy Data from R to Clipboard Summary and Usage Notes Paste Data from Clipboard to...

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ggQC | ggplot Quality Control Charts – New Release


The ggQC package is a quality control extension for ggplot. Use it to create XmR, XbarR, C and many other highly customizable Control Charts. Additional statistical process control functions include Shewart violation checks as well as capability analysis. If your process is running smoothly, visualize the potential impacted of your next process i...

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XmR Chart | Step-by-Step Guide by Hand and with R


Is your process in control? The XmR chart is a great statistical process control (SPC) tool that can help you answer this question, reduce waste, and increase productivity. We'll cover the concepts behind XmR charting and explain the XmR control constant with some super simple R code. Lastly, we'll cover how to make the XmR plot by hand, with bas...

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WooCommerce Image Gallery | Step by Step, Automate with R


Setting up a WooCommerce image gallery for your shop is a grueling process if you use the online forms. Thankfully, you can import goods and setup an image gallery using a simple CSV file. Now, if you have a few products and a few images for each product, preparing the CSV for bulk import using your favorite spreadsheet program is trivial. But, i...

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