Publications by Kelly Loucks

U.S. Avalanche Fatalities – A History and Breakdown in R


Each winter season, avalanches pose a serious threat to those who adventure in mountainous regions. An avalanche is defined as a mass of snow sliding, flowing, or tumbling down an inclined surface, typically destroying everything in its path. This post showcases the history of various activities that contribute to the total avalanche deaths that ...

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R Shiny {golem} – Development to Production – Overview


This blog series follows the development and creation of an R Shiny application. For the purposes of keeping this focused on software development, we’ll be concentrating on Shiny rather than the business use case. As a background story, we’ll be creating an app for the hit TV show, The Office.  We’ll assume the following scenario:NBC hired...

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R Shiny {golem} – Development to Production – Overview


This blog series follows the development and creation of an R Shiny application. For the purposes of keeping this focused on software development, we’ll be concentrating on Shiny rather than the business use case. As a background story, we’ll be creating an app for the hit TV show, The Office.  We’ll assume the following scenario:NBC hired...

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R Shiny {golem} – Designing the UI – Part 1 – Development to Production


Welcome to the first in a series of blog posts surrounding R’s {golem} package by Colin Fay. In case you missed it, we laid out what these posts will cover in last week’s post. One main step of our development process is to think about how we want the app to look structurally and aesthetically. This is an important step since it directly infl...

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R Shiny {golem} – Initializing Your Project – Part 2 – Development to Production


Welcome to the second post of our blog series where we are working on creating a Shiny app with the {golem} package for the hit TV show, The Office. If you are just starting this, please take a look at the first post to see an overview.If you simply search “golem” on Google, you see words like “unformed”, “imperfect”, or “shapeless�...

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R Shiny {golem} – Utilizing the dev Files- Part 3 – Setting Up for Success


Our previous post provided an overlook of the critical files in the dev folder. If you dug further into the dev files since our last post, you may have noticed that the pre-populated code uses functions from the {golem} and {usethis} packages countless times. The functions within these packages help to keep us organized.Of the dev files, 02_dev.R...

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R Shiny {golem} – Utilizing the dev Files- Part 3 – Setting Up for Success


Our previous post provided an overlook of the critical files in the dev folder. If you dug further into the dev files since our last post, you may have noticed that the pre-populated code uses functions from the {golem} and {usethis} packages countless times. The functions within these packages help to keep us organized.Of the dev files, 02_dev.R...

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