Publications by Kelly
Climate Charts, Data and RClimate Scripts
While there are many online climate data resources, the source data files are in numerous data formats, presenting a challenge to climate citizen scientists who want to retrieve and analyze several climate indicators at the same time. I have been working to develop a consolidated open access data file and RClimate scripts that users can use to re...
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Volcanic Solar Dimming, ENSO and Temperature Anomalies
In previous posts I have shown plots of global temperature anomaly, volcano and Nino34 trends (here , here). In this post , I want to further explore the role of volcanic eruptions and Nino34 phases (El Nino, La Nina) on temperature anomalies. This post shows a 5-panel chart of monthly climate trend data: 1) time line of major volcanoes and Vo...
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Using RClimate To Retrieve Climate Series Data
This post shows how to use RClimate.txt to retrieve a climate time series and write a csv file in 5 lines of R script. One of my readers, Robert, wants to be able to download climate time series data and write it to a csv file. The R script below shows how to download the MEI data series and write a csv file. For this example I will use the...
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Climate Time Series In a Single CSV File: Update 1
I am pleased to announce my CTS.csv file which includes 18 climate monthly time series in one easy to access csv file. This is part of my goal of having a user friendly way for do-it-yourself citizen climate scientists to get up-to-date agency climate time series in a painless way. Update 1: Reader Scott asked if I could provide meta data for...
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Comparison of GISS LOTAs During 5 El Nino – La Nina Cycles
In this post I compare GISS LOTAs during 5 El Nino – La Nina cycles (2010, 1998, 19883, 1973 and 1970). El Nino – La Nina Cycles In a previous post I showed the Nino 34 SSTA cycles for 2010, 1998, 1983, 1973 and 1970 here. In this post, I want to see how GISS Land Ocean Temperature Anomalies (LOTA) vary over El Nino – La Nina cycles. Here...
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Visualizing the Arctic Sea Ice Extent Decline
Understanding what is happening to Arctic sea ice is critical to recognizing the serious consequences of global warming. So I want to help people visualize the 30+ year trend in Arctic sea ice extent. The source data file is here: under: Arctic Sea Ice, Global Warming, R Climate Data Ana...
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R Script to Build Animation of Arctic Sea Ice Extent – Update 12/20/13
In my previous post I showed an animation of Arctic Sea Ice Extent from the 1980’s through August, 2012 (link). In this post, I show how to build this Arctic Sea ice Extent animated chart. Source Data The Arctic Ice Sea Monitor (link) updates their daily csv file with the latest satellite based arctic sea ice measurements. Here is the...
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Animated Images of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Decline
This post shows how to download and animate a series of Arctic Sea Ice Extent images using R and the animation package. In my previous post, I showed how to download the daily arctic sea ice extent data and generate an animation of the time series plots. In this post I show how to animate the monthly images provided by NOAA’s Nation Snow and...
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NASA GISS’s Annual Global Temperature Anomaly Trends
NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has released their December, 2014 anomaly data, showing that 2014 was the warmest year in the warmest decade in the 1880 – 2014 instrumental temperature record period. NASA’s results are consistent with the Japanese Meteorological Agency report (here) Here is my R script for those who wo...
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NOAA’s Annual Global Temperature Anomaly Trends
NOAA has released their December, 2014 global anomaly data, allowing us to examine the 1880 – 2014 global temperature anomaly trend. This R script trend charts shows the annual and average decadal temperature anomalies for the NOAA data series. NOAA’s data, like NASA GISS’s and the Japan Meteorological Agency, show that the global mean ann...
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