Publications by Karl Broman

The stupidest R code ever


Let’s start this blog off right, with the stupidest R mistake I’ve ever made (I think). In the R package that I write, R/qtl, one of the main file formats is a comma-delimited file, where the blank cells in the second row are important, as they distinguish the initial phenotype columns from the genetic marker columns. I’d gotten some report...

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useR! Conference 2011 highlights


I was at the useR! Conference at The University of Warwick in Coventry, UK, last week. My goal in going was to learn the latest things regarding (simple) dynamic graphics, (simple) web-based apps, parallel computing, and memory management (dealing with big data sets). I got just what I was hoping for and more. There are a lot of useful tools avai...

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Quick labels within figures


One of the coolest R packages I heard about at the useR! Conference: Toby Dylan Hocking‘s directlabels package for putting labels directly next to the relevant curves or point clouds in a figure. I think I first learned about this idea from Andrew Gelman: that a separate legend requires a lot of back-and-forth glances, so it’s better to put t...

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Barry Rowlingson gave an interesting talk at UseR 2011, “Why R-help must die!” He suggested the Q-and-A type sites Stack Overflow (on programming) and Cross Validated (on statistics), both part of Stack Exchange. An interesting feature of these sites is that, in addition to voting up and down on the questions and answers, one accrues reputati...

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Ghastly R code


My R package, R/qtl, contains about 33k lines of R code (and 21k lines of C code). Some of it is quite good; some of it is terrible. Here’s another example of the terrible. I’ve long needed to revise the function scantwo, for performing a two-dimensional genome scan for pairs of loci. I was looking at the function today, and was aghast to ...

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Halloween 2011 count


We don’t get many kids seeking candy at our house. I’m not sure if there just aren’t many kids in the neighborhood, or if it’s our location (next to the pond, with a big gap before the next house). I decided to keep track. As usual, we bought a huge bag of candy, and we still had about half of it left to hand out tonight. But only 19 kids...

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Row names in data frames: beware of 1:nrow


I spent some time puzzling over row names in data frames in R this morning. It seems that if you make the row names for a data frame, x, as 1:nrow(x), R will act as if you’d not assigned row names, and the names might get changed when you do rbind. Here’s an illustration: > x <- data.frame(id=1:3) > y <- data.frame(id=4:6) > rownames(x) <- 1:...

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as.character() for rownames()


Rainer pointed out, in response to my post, Row names in data frames: Beware of 1:nrow, that if I’d used rownames(x) <- as.character(1:3) rather than rownames(x) <- 1:3, I wouldn’t have had the problem I’d seen. > x <- z <- data.frame(id=1:3) > y <- data.frame(id=4:6) > rownames(x) <- 1:3 > rownames(y) <- LETTERS[4:6] > rownames(z) <-

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Should I be nice?


I got the following email. Subject: i have a question? Date: May 18, 2012 7:57:56 AM CDT how can i enter the data of QTL analysis. That was the whole thing. I presume that the writer wishes to use my R/qtl software. I could probably respond helpfully (for example, “See the sample data files and code at the R/qtl web site.”), but can’t I ...

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A course in statistical programming


Graduate students in statistics often take (or at least have the opportunity to take) a statistical computing course, but often such courses are focused on methods (like numerical linear algebra, the EM algorithm, and MCMC) and not on actual coding. For example, here’s a course in “advanced statistical computing” that I taught at Johns Ho...

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