Publications by Karl Melgarejo
Capstone Presentation
A Web Application for a ''Next Word" Prediction AlgorithmKarl Melgarejo CastilloJanuary 6, 2022. About the Application This web app was built to show the main features of a 'next word' prediction algorithm for any given text. The algorithm uses a n-gram model, which consists of using large text databases to analyze how continuous sequences of w...
2196 sym 2 img
Presentation Assignment
Peru: Google COVID-19 Trends (Shiny APP)Karl Melgarejo CastilloDecember 18, 2021. Motivation Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have set restrictions to social mobility in order to avoid a further propagation of the virus. For this reason, Google has provided information about social mobility trends over time by geograp...
1321 sym R (481 sym/8 pcs) 2 img
Interactive Grap
December 13, 2021 Week 3 Assignment - Developing Data Products 1. Introduction In this presentation I report my Week 3 Assignment in the Developing Data Products course. I created a interactive graph with Plotly using the information provided by the International Monetary Fund from its World Economic Outlook Data Base, regarding the Gross Domest...
541 sym
Most harmful and damaging weather events in the US (1950-2011)
Synopsis In this document the information from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database is analysed to identify the weather events that are the most harmful with respect to population health and also those that have the greatest economic consequences. According to the analysis described in this document, ...
5140 sym R (5171 sym/21 pcs) 3 img
Karl's most visited places
Week 2 Assignment - Developing Data Products 1. Introduction In this document I present my Week 2 Assignment in the Developing Data Products course. I created a map with Leaflet that shows my four most visited places in the district where a live. Also, I included a popup in each place and an icon using my profile photo from the Coursera webpage....
451 sym R (1004 sym/3 pcs)
Milestone Report - Data Science Capstone
Executive summary In this document I report the exploratory analysis of the training data provided for the Data Science Capstone course, which comes from a corpus called HC Corpora and were collected from publicly available sources by a web crawler. As the assignment indicates, this document will explain only the major features of the mentioned d...
6842 sym R (1239 sym/9 pcs) 6 img
Executive summary In this document I briefly describe the methodology that I used to build a basic ‘next word’ prediction algorithm for any given text. This report is part of the Capstone Project of the Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization which also requires to build a web application. The app can be accessed here https://karlmc83.shiny...
7532 sym R (1171 sym/7 pcs) 1 tbl