Publications by Jurriaan Nagelkerke
Introduction to modelplotr
Why ROC curves are a bad idea to explain your model to business people Summary In this blog we explain four most valuable evaluation plots to assess the business value of a predictive model. These plots are the cumulative gains, cumulative lift, response and cumulative response. Since these visualisations are not included in most popular model bu...
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Visualize the Business Value of your Predictive Models with modelplotr
Why ROC curves are a bad idea to explain your model to business people Summary In this blog we explain four most valuable evaluation plots to assess the business value of a predictive model. These plots are the cumulative gains, cumulative lift, response and cumulative response. Since these visualisations are not included in most popular model ...
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Happy EasteR! Let’s find some eggs…
It’s Easter Time! Let’s find some eggs… Hi there! Yes, it’s the most Easterful time of the year again. For some of us a sacret time, for others mainly an egg-eating period and some just enjoy the extra day of spare time. In case you have some time available for some good egg searching business, but no-one seems willing to hide them for y...
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modelplotr vignette
Why ROC curves are a bad idea to explain your model to business people The modelplotr package makes it easy to create a number of valuable evaluation plots to assess the business value of a predictive model. Using these plots, it can be shown how implementation of the model will impact business targets like response or return on investment of a ...
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modelplotr v1.0 now on CRAN: Visualize the Business Value of your Predictive Models
Summary In this blog we explain most valuable evaluation plots to assess the business value of a predictive model. Since these visualisations are not included in most popular model building packages or modules in R and Python, we show how you can easily create these plots for your own predictive models with our modelplotr r package and our modelp...
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modelplotr v1.0 now on CRAN: Visualize the Business Value of your Predictive Models
Summary In this blog we explain most valuable evaluation plots to assess the business value of a predictive model. Since these visualisations are not included in most popular model building packages or modules in R and Python, we show how you can easily create these plots for your own predictive models with our modelplotr r package and our modelp...
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