Publications by Harris Dupre
Hot Hands
Hot Hands Basketball players who make several baskets in succession are described as having a hot hand. Fans and players have long believed in the hot hand phenomenon, which refutes the assumption that each shot is independent of the next. However, a 1985 paper by Gilovich, Vallone, and Tversky collected evidence that contradicted this belief and...
11557 sym R (3521 sym/22 pcs) 2 img
Lab2 - Harris Dupre
Some define Statistics as the field that focuses on turning information into knowledge. The first step in that process is to summarize and describe the raw information - the data. In this lab, you will gain insight into public health by generating simple graphical and numerical summaries of a data set collected by the Centers for Disease Control ...
16078 sym R (468269 sym/77 pcs) 12 img
Homework 2 - Harris Dupre
Stats scores. (2.33, p. 78) Below are the final exam scores of twenty introductory statistics students. 57, 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 78, 79, 79, 81, 81, 82, 83, 83, 88, 89, 94 Create a box plot of the distribution of these scores. The five number summary provided below may be useful. Answer Mix-and-match. (2.10, p. 57) Describe the dist...
5594 sym 5 img
NIH Exporter
Introduction This project seeks to import the publicly available NIH data into a database for storage and analysis. This data will be matched to a dummy database of employee information, to demonstrate the types of analyses that could be performed. The script data_scrape.R (
2761 sym R (19274 sym/31 pcs) 3 img
NoSQL Migration
Introduction The goal of this assignment is to migrate a relational database to a NoSQL database. In this case, the destination NoSQL db will be a mongo database. The tb database will be used as an example. Connect to the MySQL database library(RMariaDB) con <- dbConnect( drv = MariaDB(), username = "root", password = "e20j3ss9d", h...
1488 sym R (1245 sym/10 pcs)
Introduction: The goal is to create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the selected TidyVerse package with your selected dataset. We will call the tidyverse package and load in the foul-balls.csv data. library("tidyverse") ## ── Attaching packages ─────────�...
1127 sym R (2666 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Dice rolls. (3.6, p. 92) If you roll a pair of fair dice, what is the probability of getting a sum of 1? 0 as the lowest pair is a sum of 2. getting a sum of 5? 4 chances out of 36 total chances, 0.111 getting a sum of 12? 1 chance out of 36 total chances, 0.0278 Poverty and language. (3.8, p. 93) The American Community Survey is an ongo...
6595 sym R (253 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Distributions of Random Variables
Area under the curve, Part I. (4.1, p. 142) What percent of a standard normal distribution \(N(\mu=0, \sigma=1)\) is found in each region? Be sure to draw a graph. \(Z < -1.35\) \(Z > 1.48\) \(-0.4 < Z < 1.5\) \(|Z| > 2\) Since mu is 0 and sigma is 1, Z and x are equivalent. # use the DATA606::normalPlot function Z <- -1.35 Z is less than -1...
8083 sym R (909 sym/27 pcs) 7 img
DATA 606 Data Project Proposal
Data Preparation # load data library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) earthquakes <- read.csv("all_month.csv") # Extract country, US state, or region name from earthquakes$place and create earthquakes$location earthquakes$location <- sub('.*,\\s*', '', earthquakes$place) Here we have loaded all_month.csv, a file containing data on the lo...
2015 sym R (1161 sym/10 pcs) 3 img
Introduction to linear regression
Batter up The movie Moneyball focuses on the “quest for the secret of success in baseball”. It follows a low-budget team, the Oakland Athletics, who believed that underused statistics, such as a player’s ability to get on base, betterpredict the ability to score runs than typical statistics like home runs, RBIs (runs batted in), and batting...
9795 sym R (6580 sym/37 pcs) 16 img