Publications by Julian Worley
Get Data setwd("C:/Users/Julie/Documents/Grad_School/PhD/2.2.p/MA_HW/HW_10") library(foreign) AEJ <- read.dta("AEJfigs.dta") library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdif...
2213 sym R (4318 sym/36 pcs) 5 img
Paper 1: Kruger(1999) 1.1. Briefly answer these questions: What is the causal link the paper is trying to reveal? The paper is looking into the causal link between student test scores and class size. What would be the ideal experiment to test this causal link? The ideal experiment would be to take a student, record their test score from when...
8053 sym R (6499 sym/28 pcs)
Homework 8 - Metric Applications
Pt 1 - Pulling data I pulled data from Zillow for the houses in Boseman, Montana. (My sister is looking at possibly moving there) necessaryPackages <- c("rvest", "tidyverse") new.packages <- necessaryPackages[ !(necessaryPackages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages) lapply(necessary...
1698 sym R (5956 sym/24 pcs) 3 img
Homework 6 - Metric Application
World Bank Data - Livestock Production Index and Cereal Production The following is a graph of the of the livestock production indicies for Agintina, Australia, Brazil, the United States, and Uruguay. The light blue line is the start of the TPP discussion talks in 2005. The black line is 2008 when the negotiating counties reached 12. The last dar...
2593 sym R (1874 sym/3 pcs) 3 img
Homework 4 - Metric Applications
R Markdown Reference and disclaimer: This homework is attempting to reproduce parts of the New Yorker article by John Cassidy, published March 26, 2014, and titled “Piketty’s Inequality Story in Six Charts”. All text was lifted directly from that article. Figures are compiled using data that was found at this address. This is purely an exer...
5137 sym R (2433 sym/5 pcs) 3 img
Homework 3 - Metric Applications
Homework Three Wool, Tension Length, and Warp Breaks The warpbreak data set This dataset includes data from two different types of wool and three different tension levels about the number warp breaks per loom. The wool types are : 1.A 2.B The tension levels are: 1.Low 2.Medium 3.High A table of the spread of breaks over wool types is generated ...
739 sym R (664 sym/4 pcs) 2 img