Publications by Joseph Rickert

R User Group Roundup


by Joseph Rickert In the first half of 2014, worldwide R user group activity continued to increase, showing impressive growth over the same periods for the past couple of years.  For the last four months, the pace has been over 50 meetings per month.              n  There are now 147 user groups listed in Revolution Analytics' Local R U...

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Using R to simulate the finances of public sector pension funds


by Don Boyd, Senior Fellow, Rockefeller Institute of Government The Rockefeller Institute of Government is excited to be developing models to simulate the finances of public pension funds, using R. Public pension funds invest contributions from governments and public sector workers in an effort to ensure that they can pay all promised benefits ...

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Long Memory and the Nile: Herodotus, Hurst and H


by Joseph Rickert The ancient Egyptians were a people with long memories. The lists of their pharaohs went back thousands of years, and we still have the names and tax assessments for certain persons and institutions from the time of Ramesses II. When Herodotus began writing about Egypt and the Nile (~ 450 BC), the Egyptians who knew that their p...

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The Collatz Conjecture Continued


by Seth Mottaghinejad Let's review the Collatz conjecture, which says that given a positive integer n, the following recursive algorithm will always terminate: if n is 1, stop, otherwise recurse on the following if n is even, then divide it by 2 if n is odd, then multiply it by 3 and add 1 In our last post, we created a function called 'cpp_col...

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R at Conferences this Fall


by Joseph Rickert The days are getting shorter here in California and the summer R conferences UseR!2014 and JSM are behind us, but there are still some very fine conferences for R users to look forward to before the year ends.  DataWeek starts in San Francisco on September 15th. I will be conducting a bootcamp for new R users, and on Wedneday t...

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Comparing machine learning models in R


by Joseph Rickert While preparing for the DataWeek R Bootcamp that I conducted this week I came across the following gem. This code, based directly on a Max Kuhn presentation of a couple years back, compares the efficacy of two machine learning models on a training data set. #----------------------------------------- # SET UP THE PARAMETER SPAC...

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How to publish R and ggplot2 to the web


by Matt Sundquist, Plotly Co-founder It's delightfully smooth to publish R code, plots, and presentations to the web. For example: Shiny makes interactive apps from R. Pretty R highlights R code for HTML. Slidify makes slides from R Markdown. Knitr and RPubs let you publish R Markdown docs. GitHub and devtools let you quickly release packages a...

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DescTools: a new R "misc package"


by Joseph Rickert One of the most difficult things about R, a problem that is particularly vexing to beginners, is finding things. This is an unintended consequence of R's spectacular, but mostly uncoordinated, organic growth. The R core team does a superb job of maintaining the stability and growth of the R language itself, but the innovation en...

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Why are we still teaching T-tests?


The following post by Norm Matloff originally appeared on his blog, Mad(Data)Scientist, on September 15th. We rarely republish posts that have appeared on other blogs, however, the questions that Norm raises both with respect to the teaching of statistics, and his assertion that “R's statistical procedures are centered far too much on significa...

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R and Data Science Webinar


by Joseph Rickert Recently, I had the opportunity to present a webinar on R and Data Science. The challenge with attempting this sort of thing is to say something interesting that does justice to the subject while being suitable for an audience that may include both experienced R users and curious beginners. The approach I settled on had three pa...

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