Publications by Jo-fai Chow

Updates on Interactive rCrimemap, rBlocks … and the Packt offer!


Testing rCrimemap as a Self-Contained Web PageI’ve been learning more about rMaps and rCharts since the LondonR meeting. There are many amazing things you can do with rCharts but it does take time to learn all the tweaks. For example, I just discovered that the rMaps objects (like other rCharts ojects) can be saved as a self-contained webpage.S...

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Towards (Yet) Another R Colour Palette Generator. Step One: Quentin Tarantino.


Why?I love colours, I love using colours even more. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I don’t understand colours well enough to use them properly. It is the same frustration that I had about one year ago when I first realised that I couldn’t plot anything better than the defaults in Excel and Matlab! It was for that very reason, I decided t...

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rCharts Parcoords x Simpsons x Blocks


Interactive Parallel Coordinates with Multiple ColoursFor my research project, I need a tool to visualise results from multi-objective optimisations. Below is one of my early attempts using base R and parcoord in the MASS package, I have no problem using them for publication. However, these charts are all static. For a practical decision support ...

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Things to try after useR! – Part 1: Deep Learning with H2O


Annual R User Conference 2014The useR! 2014 conference was a mind-blowing experience. Hundreds of R enthusiasts and the beautiful UCLA campus, I am really glad that I had the chance to attend! The only problem is that, after a few days of non-stop R talks, I was (and still am) completely overwhelmed with the new cool packages and ideas.Let me sta...

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TTTAR2: My First Shiny App with Bootstrap – #RUGSMAPS


Thing To Try After useR! part 2 (TTTAR2)Originally, this post was supposed to be a sequel to TTTAR1 about h2o machine learning. Since TTTAR1 I have been carrying out more h2o tests both locally and on the cloud with the very kind support of Nick Elprin from Domino. The more I find out about h2o and Domino, the more I get addicted. So my original ...

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H2O, Domino & Kaggle Quick-Start Guide and RUGSMAPS2


Following up on my previous posts about H2O Deep Learning (TTTAR1) and RUGSMAPS (TTTAR2), here is a quick update on two interesting things I have been working on: a Kaggle tutorial and a new RUGSMAPS app.Short Tutorials based on a Kaggle CompetitionFirst of all, I would like to share with you my first ever guest post on Domino Data Lab’s blo...

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A Decade of Premier League Football


The English Premier League is BACK!Before we get over-excited, let’s have a look at the past. Here is a shiny app to visualise some stats from last ten seasons. It is my first attempt at developing data-driven sports stories with R, Shiny and Shiny Dashboard. Those stories ain’t new, but I had always wanted to visualise the data i...

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A Decade of Premier League Football


The English Premier League is BACK!Before we get over-excited, let’s have a look at the past. Here is a shiny app to visualise some stats from last ten seasons. It is my first attempt at developing data-driven sports stories with R, Shiny and Shiny Dashboard. Those stories ain’t new, but I had always wanted to visualise the data i...

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Turning your R (or Python) models into APIs


More and more real-world systems are relying on data science and analytical models to deliver sophisticated functionality or improved user experiences. For example, Microsoft combined the power of advanced predictive models and web services to develop the real-time voice translation feature in Skype. Facebook and Google continuously improve their...

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Turning your R (or Python) models into APIs


More and more real-world systems are relying on data science and analytical models to deliver sophisticated functionality or improved user experiences. For example, Microsoft combined the power of advanced predictive models and web services to develop the real-time voice translation feature in Skype. Facebook and Google continuously improve their...

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