Publications by Jeroen Ooms

Share and access R code, data, apps on

12.02.2014 is a new domain for publishing code, data and apps based on the OpenCPU system. Any R package on Github is directly available via Thereby the package can be used remotely via the OpenCPU API to access data, perform remote function calls, reproduce results, publish webapps, and much more. The OpenCPU public server page ex...

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Publishing dynamic data on


Suppose you would like to publish some data, for example to accompany a journal article. One way would be to put a CSV file on your website, and share the URL with your colleagues. However CSV has many limitations: it only works for tabular structures, has limited type safety (pretty much everything gets coersed into strings) and leads to loss of...

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Call for abstracts to present at useR! 2014


We are happy to inform you that abstract submission for useR! 2014 is now available online, see The R User Conference, useR! 2014 is scheduled for July 1-3, 2014 at the University of California, Los Angeles. Before the official program, half-day tutorials will be offered on Monday, June 30. Participants are encourag...

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Release of jsonlite 0.9.4


A new version of the jsonlite package was released to CRAN. In addition to adding small new features, this release cleans up code and documentation. Some annoying compiler warnings inherited from RJSONIO are fixed and the reference manual is a bit more concise. Also some new examples of public JSON APIs were added to the package vignette. These a...

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OpenCPU 1.2.3 release


A new version of OpenCPU was released to CRAN and Launchpad. Besides some minor bugfixes, the single-user has better support for configuration. By default, the single-user server will now load configuration from the following file: path.expand("~/.opencpu.conf") If this file does not exist, the default configuration is used. Future plans This is...

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Getting ready for OpenCPU 1.3


The OpenCPU public demo server and have been upgraded to an early version of the upcoming OpenCPU 1.3 release. This release is scheduled for April 17 along with Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty). By deploying it on the public demo server we get some testing before the actual release. Please report any problems. New in OpenCPU 1.3 The improvements in ...

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OpenCPU release 1.3 and 1.4


After a few months of testing we present OpenCPU versions 1.3 and 1.4. These releases do not introduce any major changes in the OpenCPU HTTP API but focus entirely on performance, reliability and security to support long running servers. The only minor API change in the switch to absolute URLs in the location header. Upgrading from OpenCPU 1.2 sh...

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OpenCPU Gem for Ruby


The guys from are working on a OpenCPU wrapper Gem. This simple API client provides a pretty nice basis for building R web applications with Ruby. A minimal example from the readme: client.execute :digest, :hmac, { key: 'foo', object: 'bar', algo: 'md5' } # => ['0c7a250281315ab863549f66cd8a3a53'] Which performs the following JSON RPC re...

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Paper: The OpenCPU system – towards a universal interface for scientific computing through separation of concerns


This week a new paper appeared on arXiv titled: The OpenCPU System: Towards a Universal Interface for Scientific Computing through Separation of Concerns. It is based on a chapter of my thesis and provides a conceptual introduction to embedded scientific computing and the OpenCPU system. The article deliberately does not describe any software sp...

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Deploying a scoring engine for predictive analytics with OpenCPU


TLDR/abstract: See the tvscore demo app or this jsfiddle for all of this in action. This post explains how to use the OpenCPU system to setup a scoring engine for calculating real time predictions. In our example we use the predict.gam function from the mgcv package to make predictions based on a generalized additive model. The entire process con...

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