Publications by Jeffrey Hollister

First post, and its a doozy!


Well, not really a doozy.  Just something nice and slow to get me going. So, seeing as I intend to post stuff about R along with the other things, I thought it best to understand how all those great R bloggers embed the highlighted R code into their WordPress blogs.  As it turns out, I am not the first to do so.  Head over to the R Statistics ...

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Things I Forget: Reading a Shapefile in R with readOGR


One of the more common ways that I read vector data into R is via shapefiles.  I tend to use these partly becuase of my own sordid past with Arc/INFO, ArcView and ArcGIS and partly due to their ubiquity.  In any event I have found the R package, rgdal, indespensible for this.  One of the workhorse functions for pulling in vector data is readOG...

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An R function to download shapefiles


This post is a follow up from my latest Things I Forget post on reading in shapefiles.  That post assumed that you already had access to all the relevant files (e.g. .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, etc.).  A task that I routinely need to do is locate shapefiles on a website, grab those files, and read them in.  Instead of having to do this manually I ...

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R Studio, and Presentations, and Git! Oh my!


I have been using R for many years now and it has served me quite well.  I have used it for all manners of data prep work, analysis, developing figures, and more recently GIS and creating reproducible reports with knitr.  During this time my typical workflow included creating new folders for projects, throwing in an R shortcut that opens in the...

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Rstudio and makefiles: Mind your options!


I have written this post mostly for myself. I don’t want to waste 2 hours on this problem again at some point in the future.  Hopefully others might stumble on it too and save some aggravation. So, the issue I had this morning was writing up a a makefile in RStudio.  I am new to make and makefiles, but have been able to get them running succ...

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A great idea: R Markdown for Undergrads


A recently published paper by Baumer et al (2014) caught my eye today (HT to Bruce Caron).  I wanted to share it here because I thought it was cool and also had a few comments to make about some of the issues the authors raised. First, a bit about the paper.  Partly in response to all the media attention to the crisis in reproducibility in sc...

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Things I Forget: Push/Pull Greyed out in RStudio?!?


So, on more than one occasion I have set up a repository locally, then on GitHub and pushed to that repo from the shell. This works great, but this would always result in the Push and Pull buttons in RStudio getting greyed out. I could push just fine from the shell, but not from the GUI. Not a big problem, but always kind of annoyed me. Today I t...

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