Publications by Jason Timm
Political ideology & New Mexico’s 53rd State Legislature
Ideal points estimation Legislators in political space Legislation in 2D political space Political space and marijuana A quick geographical perspective Political ideology in NMSL53 Summary References This is the second in a series of posts investigating voting patterns in New Mexico’s 53rd State Legislature (NMSL53). In this post, we detail th...
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Twitter, political ideology & the 115th US Senate
Congressional data sources Scraping tweets via rtweet Twitter followers & political ideology Shared tweets as ideology Summary Postscript: News media ideologies Resources In this post, we consider some fairly recent studies conducted by folks at the Washington Post and the Pew Research Center that investigate the relationship between political i...
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genre, text classification & naive bayes
Building a historical, genre-based corpus Building a Naive Bayes classifier Model assessment & confusion matrix Summary In this short post, we outline a Naive Bayes (NB) approach to genre-based text classification. First, we introduce & describe a corpus derived from Google News’ RSS feed, which includes source and genre information. We then t...
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Some perspectives on Xochitl Torres Small’s win in CD NM-02
A brief intro to nmelectiondatr CD NM-02: an overview A look at Pearce-Xochitl precincts Straight- & split-ticket voting in NM-02 Summary In this post, we consider some different precinct-level perspectives on Xochitl Torres Small’s surprising win over Yvette Herrell in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District (NM-02) in the 2018 general elec...
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historical word embeddings & lexical semantic change
Google n-gram data Nearest-neighbors Procrustes, PCA & visualizing semantic change Detecting semantic change Summary References I have developed a Git Hub guide that demonstrates a simple workflow for sampling Google n-gram data and building historical word embeddings with the aim of investigating lexical semantic change. Here, we build on this ...
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Referring to POTUS on Twitter: a stance-based perspective on variation in the 116th House
A very brief introduction Some open source data sets Extracting referring expressions to 45 Party-level stance towards 45 House Rep stance & 2016 presidential vote margins Prevalence of 45 reference Summary References In this post, we investigate how (& how often) members of the 116th House of Representatives refer to the 45th president of the U...
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The politics of New Mexico: a brief historical-visual account
New Mexico demographics via tidycensus 2016 Presidential Election Presidential elections in New Mexico historically New Mexico as bellwether? Congressional delegation historically New Mexico State Government Summary In this post, we piece together a brief political history of New Mexico using a host of data sources, including Wikipedia, the US C...
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front-line house democrats: a quick guide
House & presidential election returns Trump margins in 2016 Flipped House Districts from 2016 to 2018 The 31 House Democrats in Trump-supportive districts A quick geographical perspective The 13 House Democrats in solid Trump districts Voting patterns in presidential elections Voting patterns for the 31 Trump-House Dem districts The 5 House Democ...
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Twitter in collage: a year in the life of a freshman Congresswoman
Introduction A super simple post that summarizes R-based methods for visual summary & collage-building using image attachments on Twitter. In the process, a bit of a photo homage to Congresswoman Xochitl Torres Small in her first year representing New Mexico’s 2nd district. if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman") pacman::p_load(tidyv...
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Modeling roll call voting behavior in the House of Representatives
Thoughts initial Data sets Modeling political ideology in the 116th House A final thought References Thoughts initial A brief (and copycat) go at modeling roll call voting behavior in the US House of Representatives using (1) constituency demographics, (2) house member party affiliation, and (3) house member characteristics. This post is based d...
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