Publications by James Keirstead
We NEED more data
Email One of the historic difficulties of doing research on urban energy systems has been the limited availability of data at sufficiently detailed spatial resolutions. Without this data, you might end up relying on aggregate information about the built environment, building occupants, and local geography that doesn't apply to the specifics of ...
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Gaussian Processes with RStan
Email Previously I looked at how to simulate Gaussian processes in R, following the methods in Rasmussen and Williams. But now that Andrew Gelman et al. (of Bayesian Data Analysis, and Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models fame) have released their new Bayesian tool Stan, I wanted to redo the earlier analysis using t...
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New R package: scholar
My new R package, scholar, has just been posted on CRAN. The scholar package provides functions to extract citation data from Google Scholar. In addition to retrieving basic information about a single scholar, the package also allows you to compare multiple scholars and predict future h-index values. There’s a full guide on Github (along wit...
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Success rates for EPSRC Fellowships
Email I was recently at a presentation where the success rates for EPSRC fellowships were given by theme. The message of the talk was that Engineering fellowships were under-subscribed and so we should all be preparing our applications. But just because a theme is under-subcribed doesn’t mean that you’ve got a better chance of getting fund...
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Success rates for EPSRC proposals
Email In my last post, I looked at the success rates for EPSRC Fellowship applications using funnel plots. As luck would have it, Alex Hulkes and Derek Gillespie from EPSRC then got it touch to say that they had done a similar internal analysis and would I be interested in the data? Yes please! The new data set considers EPSRC research grants ...
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Fumbling fumble statistics
Follow Email I wanted to add my two-cents worth to the “Deflate-gate” statistics row that’s been going on recently. If you want to catch up with the story, then you should start with the original articles at Sharp Football Analysis (1, 2) and this critique by Gregory J. Matthews and Michael Lopez. And if you want to get the data to follo...
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Waterfall plots in R
Last week I posted about an orphaned paper of mine, a piece of research that hasn’t yet found a home and which I’m unlikely to find further time to work on. Abandoning something that you’ve worked hard on is disappointing and so it made sense to release it for those who were interested. At least that way, I can salvage some value from the w...
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Generating an academic CV with R and YAML
Follow Email For the past couple years, I’ve been using Kieran Healy’s lovely template for my academic CV. Kieran’s code is a customised *.tex file which, of course, has the virtue of simplicity. All a person needs to do is update it with glorious achievements from time to time and re-compile; this is exactly what I’ve been doing since...
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