Publications by Jagdish Chhabria



title: “DS624_HW7_JagdishChhabria” author: “Jagdish Chhabria” date: “11/4/2021” output: html_document: default 6.2. Developing a model to predict permeability could save significant resources for a pharmaceutical company, while at the same time more rapidly identifying molecules that have a sufficient permeability to become a drug: ...

6742 sym R (23824 sym/32 pcs) 9 img 4 tbl



7.2. Friedman (1991) introduced several benchmark data sets create by simulation. One of these simulations used the following nonlinear equation to create data: y = 10 sin(πx1x2) + 20(x3 − 0.5)2 + 10x4 + 5x5 + N(0, σ2) where the x values are random variables uniformly distributed between [0, 1] (there are also 5 other non-informative variable...

8646 sym R (5375 sym/25 pcs) 17 img 2 tbl