Publications by Jocelyn Irene Gani



1 Your Exercise In this section, you are expected to be more confident to create your own function. Here I advise you to create a function for each tasks bellow: Univariate variable (one dimension) average average<-function(x) { sum(x)/length(x) } x<-c(2,4,6,8,10) average(x) ## [1] 6 middle_value middle_value <- function(b) { n<...

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A. Creating Vectors In this section, you are expected to be able to shape data in vectors, perform basic mathematical operations, and also manipulate vectors. Exercise 1 Create a vector A containing numeric values, starting from the last 2 digits of your student id up to 30. Exercise 2 Create a vector B containing 12 character values; all names...

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A. Creating Vectors In this section, you are expected to be able to shape data in vectors, perform basic mathematical operations, and also manipulate vectors. Exercise 1 Create a vector A containing numeric values, starting from the last 2 digits of your student id up to 30. A <- c(02:30) A ## [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1...

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1 Generate Data frame Suppose you are a data scientist, and you get a project at a start-up company, for instance Kopi Kenangan. Let’s say, you are asking to generate the collection of any possible data set from their daily sales. If I asking you: what kind of data set that you can generate?. Here, I assume you want to provide them the followin...

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1 Introduction In R, we can read data from files stored outside the R environment. We can also write data into files that will be stored and accessed by the operating system. R can read and write into various file formats like csv, excel, txt, rds, xml, json, etc. 2 Working Directory Before we start working with data (interface data), first make...

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Email: RPubs: Latar Belakang library(readxl) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(scales) library(glue) library(plotly) library(lubridate) library(gridExtra) library(zoo) library(treemap) library(tidyr) library(tidyverse) Andikan Anda adalah seorang Manajer dibidang projek Data Scin...

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Data Preparation with R


Salah satu keterampilan paling mendasar bagi seorang Ilmuwan Data adalah Persiapan Data (Manipulasi Data). Agar benar-benar efektif, Anda harus ahli dalam melakukan manipulasi data penting. Ini karena sebagian besar pekerjaan Anda hanya akan melibatkan [pengambilan dan pembersihan data].(

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1 Case 1 Assume you have collected some data set from ABC Property as we can see in the following table: Id <- (1:10000) Marketing_Name <- rep(c("Angel","Sherly","Vanessa","Irene","Julian", "Jeffry","Nikita","Kefas","Siana","Lala", "Fallen","Ardifo","Kevin","Juen","Jerrel", ...

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Email: RPubs: Github: Data visualization adalah teknik mengambil informasi dari data ke dalam konteks visual, seperti bagan, grafik, dan peta. Visualisasi data dimungkinkan untuk menangani suatu peristiwa kecil dan peristiwa data besar menjadi lebih mudah ...

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Pengenalan sistem basis data


1 Buatlah artikel mengenai sejarah perkembangan sistem basis data (dari awal hingga saat ini) Basis data modern muncul pada tahun 1960-an.Sebagian besar penelitian dipusatkan di sekitar automasi kantor (office automation),khususnya mengotomatiskan penyimpanan data dan tugas pengindeksan yang sebelumnya memerlukan banyak tenaga kerja secara manual...

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