Publications by Iñaki Úcar

Boost the speed of R calls from Rcpp


If you are a user who needs to work with Rcpp-based packages, or you are a maintainer of one of such packages, you may be interested in the recent development of the unwind API, which can be leveraged to boost performance since the last Rcpp update. In a nutshell, until R 3.5.0, every R call from C++ code was executed inside a try-catch, whic...

2581 sym R (1383 sym/3 pcs)

Read the docs before questioning R’s defaults


The latest R tip in Win-Vector Blog encourages you to Use Radix Sort based on a simple benchmark showing a x35 speedup compared to the default method, but with no further explanation. In my opinion, though, the complete tip would be, instead, use radix sort… if you know what you are doing, because a quick benchmark shouldn’t spare y...

2800 sym R (1774 sym/2 pcs)

Quantities for R – Ready for a CRAN release


Latest enhancements Mixed units Support for correlations Fitting linear models with quantities Current issues Wrapping linear models Open problems Summary Acknowledgements [view raw Rmd] This is the fourth blog post on quantities, an R-Consortium funded project for quantity calculus with R. It is aimed at providing integration of the ‘unit...

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simmer 4.0.1


The 4.0.1 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN since a couple of weeks ago. There are few changes, notably new getters (get_sources(), get_resources(), get_trajectory()) for simmer environments and some improvements in resource selection policies (see details in help(select)). A new convenience function, when_a...

2198 sym R (429 sym/1 pcs)

simmer 4.1.0


The 4.1.0 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN. As per request in the mailing list, now get_global() is able to work inside a generator function. Moreover, the new add_global() method attaches a global attribute to a simulator. library(simmer) env <- simmer() hello_sayer <- trajectory() %>% log_("hello wor...

1921 sym R (647 sym/2 pcs)

simmer 4.2.1


The 4.2.1 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN with quite interesting new features and fixes. As discussed in the mailing list, there is a way to handle the specific case in which an arrival is rejected because a queue is full: library(simmer) reject <- trajectory() %>% log_("kicked off...") patient <- trajectory(...

2476 sym R (1212 sym/3 pcs)

simmer 4.3.0 + JSS publication


The 4.3.0 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN. Along with this update, we are very glad to announce that our homonymous paper finally appeared in the Journal of Statistical Software. Please, use the following reference for citations (see citation("simmer")): Ucar I, Smeets B, Azcorra A (2019). “simmer: Discrete-...

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simmer 4.4.0 on CRAN


The 4.4.0 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN. This update stabilises a new pace of a couple of new releases per year, which is more appropriate given the maturity that the project has reached. This release brings us a dozen bug fixes and improvements, including the unification of the leave/renege API, further enh...

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cran2copr: RPM repos with 15k binary R packages


Bringing R packages to Fedora (in fact, to any distro) is an Herculean task, especially considering the rate at which CRAN grows nowadays. So I am happy to announce the cran2copr project, which is an attempt to maintain binary RPM repos for most of CRAN (~15k packages as of Feb. 2020) in an automated way using Fedora Copr. Are you a Fedora use...

1890 sym R (67 sym/2 pcs)

Switch BLAS/LAPACK without leaving your R session


BLAS and LAPACK comprise all the low-level linear algebra subroutines that handle your matrix operations in R and other software. Fedora ships the reference implementation from Netlib, which is accurate and stable, but slow, as well as several optimized backends, such as ATLAS, BLIS (serial, OpenMP and threaded versions) and OpenBLAS (seria...

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