Publications by Huidong Tian

Generate Quasi-Poisson Distribution Variable


Most of regression methods assume that the response variables follow some exponential distribution families, e.g. Guassian, Poisson, Gamma, etc. However, this assumption was frequently violated in real world data by, for example, zero-inflated overdispersion problem. A number of methods were developed to deal with such problem, and among them, ...

2103 sym R (301 sym/6 pcs) 3 tbl

Generate Quasi-Poisson Distribution Random Variable


Most of regression methods assume that response variables follow some exponential distribution families, e.g. Guassian, Poisson, Gamma, etc. However, this assumption was frequently violated in real world by, for example, zero-inflated overdispersion problem. A number of methods were developed to deal with such problem, and among them, Quasi-Poi...

2015 sym R (301 sym/6 pcs) 3 tbl

Facts About R Packages (1)


R Packages growth Curve Why R is so popular? There are a lot of reasons, such as: easy to learn and convenient to use, active community, open source, etc. Another important reason is the numerous contributed packages. Up to yesterday, there are 4033 R packages on CRAN. How is the growth curve of R packages in the pasted decade? How many packages ...

1374 sym R (3496 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl

Facts About R Packages (2)


R Packages All Well maintained? There are so many R packages, can they all be trusted? or are they well maintained? To answer this question, we just need to take a look of their archive histories. If a package has many versions, we can take that as the authors spent a lot of time to make their packages perfect, these of kinds of packages can be t...

1778 sym R (1496 sym/6 pcs) 3 tbl

Generate simple HTML slides using deck.js and markdown


RStudio and knitr are an excellent conbination for generating dynamic reports. But in this blog, I will show you how to generate HTML-style presentaion using R only. OK, I confess that we still need something else: deck.js and markdown and R.utils. deck.js is an JavaScrip together with some css and html files which define the slide section, st...

1498 sym R (113 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl

Rename photos’ names according to shooting time in a batch mode.


For some reason, you want to know the shooting time of your photos. Generally, shooting time can be found as Date modified, if you didn’t made a lot of change to your photos. But, we often make change to our photos, such like copy them from a place to another, edit using Photoshop, Picasa, etc., and then, the Date modified of your photo is not ...

1541 sym R (1142 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl

Using R to refine the search result of

12.12.2012 is the most popular website in Norway. It supplies a lot of features, such as booking flight tickets, finding job, renting and sales of houses, cars and other properties, etc. I just have some experience with it. I sold and bought cars, apartment and some other stuff. It’s very convenient. But just one thing I feel not convenient: w...

1955 sym R (5316 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl

One R Function A Day.


As a R user with 5 years experience, I still have some basic functions that never used or never thought they could exist. Many times I was suprised with some elegant R functions, such like strwidth, parent.frame, etc. No one can know all R functions (and it’s unnecessary), but it’s very convenient to know some basic functions, especially tho...

1876 sym R (715 sym/6 pcs) 3 tbl

Automatic Notice When Vacancy Available


Today, I visited a webpage inadvertently and found several job positions that I am competent with, unfortunately all of them has expired. How many chances we lost in this way?! So I decide to do somthing to limit this kind of loss, and of course using our smart R! The idea is simple: check the job vacancy webpages reguarly, if find some positions...

1233 sym R (1310 sym/6 pcs) 3 tbl

Make Your Date Folder Clean with Function unzip & unz


I am a somewhat minimalist R user. I feel uncomfortable if something is not in a good order, such as the names of variables and documents, the structures of my codes and projects. I prefer my data stored in .txt or .csv so I can load them to R using read.table or read.csv. For most of the time we got along well, until I got a huge number of .txt ...

1642 sym R (293 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl