Publications by Hadley Wickham

Geometric shapes


If you haven’t seen them already, be sure to check out Barret Schloerke’s geometric shapes. He’s an undergrad student who’s been working with us over summer to generate a variety of high-dimensional geometric shapes to explore with GGobi.The data includes cubes, spheres, simplexes, polyhedra, polytopes, and mobius-like object...

926 sym

Updated version of GGobi: 2.1.8


We’ve just posted an updated version of GGobi – version 2.1.8. This version fixes a number of small bugs, particularly with theDescribeDisplay plugin. If you are on windows, make sure to also update to the latest version of gtk linked from the downloads page. Unfortunately we have been having problems with the mac package, so on...

887 sym

GGobi and Choreography


You might be interested in this rather unusual use of GGobi – to explore and understand dance! Noel Cressie, Ola Ahlqvist, and Hyowon Ban from the Ohio State University have been involved in a collaborative project centred around a William Forsythe modern-dance piece called “One Flat Thing, reproduced. See their contribution, �...

792 sym

2009 Chambers award winner announced


We are pleased to announce that the judges of the Chambers Award have selected the winner of the 2009 competition: Yihui Xie, from the Renmin University of China. Yihui received this year’s award for his submission “animation,” an R package for using graphical and other animations to communicate the results of statistical simula...

1314 sym

bigrquery 0.4.0


I’m pleased to announce that bigrquery 0.4.0 is now on CRAN. bigrquery makes it possible to talk to Google’s BigQuery cloud database. It provides both DBI and dplyr backends so you can interact with BigQuery using either low-level SQL or high-level dplyr verbs. Install the latest version of bigrquery with: install.packages("bigrquery") Basic ...

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