Publications by Jun Nelson
Coursera_Data product_ Webpage for Temple University Location
Temple University located in city of Philadelphia ## Warning: package 'leaflet' was built under R version 4.0.3 ## Warning in runif(500, min = 39.95, max = 39.105): NAs produced ## Warning in runif(500, min = -75.1, max = -75.2): NAs produced ...
58 sym R (190 sym/3 pcs)
DDW4 ShinyApp Presentation
Prediction of MPG by Weight of CarJun Nelson11/16/2020 Introduction: Prediction of MPG by Weight in mtcars Dataset Motor Trend is a magazine about the automobile industry. It has a dataset called mtcars which is a collection of cars. The data frame of mtcars includes 32 observations with 11 variables. They are interested in exploring the relati...
1617 sym R (2430 sym/2 pcs)
DDW4 ShinyApp Presentation
Prediction of MPG by Weight of CarJun Nelson11/16/2020 Introduction: Prediction of MPG by Weight in mtcars Dataset Motor Trend is a magazine about the automobile industry. It has a dataset called mtcars which is a collection of cars. The data frame of mtcars includes 32 observations with 11 variables. They are interested in exploring the relati...
1576 sym R (2430 sym/2 pcs)
Shinyapp and Presentation
Shinyapp and PresentationJun NelsonNovember 4, 2020 Introduction This peer assessed assignment has two parts. First, you will create a Shiny application and deploy it on Rstudio's servers. Second, you will use Slidify or Rstudio Presenter to prepare a reproducible pitch presentation about your application. Your Shiny Application Write a shiny a...
3983 sym
Prediction of MPG by Weight of CarJun Nelson11/16/2020 Introduction: Prediction of MPG by Weight in mtcars Dataset Motor Trend is a magazine about the automobile industry. It has a dataset called mtcars which is a collection of cars. The data frame of mtcars includes 32 observations with 11 variables. They are interested in exploring the relati...
1626 sym R (2430 sym/2 pcs)
DDW4 ShinyApp Presentation
Prediction of MPG by Weight of CarJun Nelson11/16/2020 Introduction: Prediction of MPG by Weight in mtcars Dataset Motor Trend is a magazine about the automobile industry. It has a dataset called mtcars which is a collection of cars. The data frame of mtcars includes 32 observations with 11 variables. They are interested in exploring the relati...
1626 sym R (2430 sym/2 pcs)
Data Capstone_Week2_Milestone_Report
Introduction The goal of this project is just to display that you’ve gotten used to working with the data and that you are on track to create your prediction algorithm. Please submit a report on R Pubs ( that explains your exploratory analysis and your goals for the eventual app and algorithm. This document should be concise a...
3203 sym R (15197 sym/77 pcs) 3 img
Capstone ShinyApp Presentation
Data Science Capstone ShinyApp PresentationJun Nelson01/18/2021 Introduction The goal of this project is to create a product of text data to highlight the prediction algorithm that you have built and to provide an interface that can be accessed by others. A Shiny app that takes as input a phrase (multiple words) in a text box input and outputs ...
1772 sym