Publications by Francis Smart

Obama 2008 recieved 3x more media coverage than Sanders 2016


Many supporters of presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have claimed that there is a media blackout in which Bernie Sanders has been for whatever reason blocked from communicating his campaign message. Combined with a dramatically cut democratic debate scheme (from 18 in 2008 with Obama to 4 in 2016 with Sanders) scheduled on days of the week leas...

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Hillary Clinton’s Biggest 2016 Rival: Herself


In a recent post I noted that despite Bernie Sanders doing better in many important indicators, Obama 2008 received 3x more media coverage than Sanders 2016.Reasonably, a reader of my blog noted that not all coverage was equal, that a presidential hopeful might be happier having no coverage than negative coverage. So I decided to do some textual ...

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As First Lady, Popularity of Babies Named "Hillary" Dropped by an Unprecedented 90%


This is kind of a silly post but I noticed an article entitled “Poor, Poor Hillary” on R-Bloggers from a blog that is no longer in commission. This blog came up as a result of its similarity with a recent post of mine, “Hillary Clinton’s Biggest 2016 Rival: Herself” in which I examine the quality of the press coverage of Hillary over th...

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Analysis: Clinton backed by Big Money: Sanders by Small


This article examines FEC data in depth and finds what most people already know. Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid is financed largely through a relatively small quantity of big donors while Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid is funded by numerous small donors.In order to do our analysis, we look at four hundred thousand individualized contrib...

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The Simple Reason Sanders Is Winning


Sanders has way more backers across the United States (with the possible exception of the South). Hillary Clinton might be doing well at the polls. However, the shocking fact of polling is that only 8-9% of those asked to participate in polls combined with most polls given to landline owners, the populations being polled do not currently represen...

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Nevada:Sanders has 6x the Supporters as Clinton


The most recent three polls coming out of Nevada have surprised many by indicating that Sanders is tied with Clinton for the primary vote in that state. This news is shocking to many because the previous five polls done in that state indicated Clinton had a commanding lead. However, those previous polls were old with the most recent one collected...

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Legally Rig An Election: A Citizen’s Guide to Gerrymandering


You are running for class president against a pimpled-nosed, blond barbarian. You have given your best speech and your obnoxious opponent has given his best speech. The teacher is about to call on the class to vote! The time of reckoning is upon you.As she is just announcing a hand raising in support of your opponent, you count in your head:...

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Legally Rig An Election: A Citizen’s Guide to Gerrymandering


You are running for class president against a pimpled-nosed, blond barbarian. You have given your best speech and your obnoxious opponent has given his best speech. The teacher is about to call on the class to vote! The time of reckoning is upon you.As she is just announcing a hand raising in support of your opponent, you count in your head:...

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Big Business Backs Hillary: Small Bernie


Big business, lawyers, and the financial sector are the largest campaign backers of Hillary Clinton. Collectively they represent 35.5 million dollars donated to her campaign, 38% of total itemized funds donated to the Clinton campaign in 2015. Bernie Sanders on the other hand is largely backed by a diverse collection of individuals: engineers, he...

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Hillary 1993: Largest Drop in Girl Names EVER; Chelsea Distant Second


Recently, I wrote an little post that got a lot of attention and some criticism, As First Lady, Popularity of Babies Named “Hillary” Dropped by an Unprecedented 90%.The attention was likely due to the large number of people who are attempting to evaluate Hillary Clinton as a viable general election candidate. These people might rightly or wro...

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