Publications by Francis Jules C. Espartero



R Markdown This is an example of the pdf output for R Markdown. Before running this code, do check if you have the following packages: twitteR This package is used to extracting tweets from Twitter . Just make sure to setup your credentials (tokens, keys). You can get these if you have developer’s account in Twitter #install.packages(“twitte...

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R Markdown The R has many built in functionalities that can be used for statistical analysis .Statistics is the science of analyzing, reviewing and conclude data. Some basic statistical numbers include: Mean, Median, Mode Minimum and maximum value Percentiles Variance and Standard Deviation Covariance and Correlations Probability Distributions ...

1811 sym R (3979 sym/40 pcs) 5 tbl



R Functions This is a block of code which only runs when it is called. Functions are used to break the codes into simplier parts for easy undestanding and easy to maintain. Date can be pass known as parameters into a function in which a function can return data as a value Creating a Functions Function is a reserved word to declare a function in ...

492 sym R (658 sym/8 pcs)



Control Flow Decision making is important part in programming and this is by using conditional statements such as * if…else * ifelse()function * Loop function - for() - while() - using break and next statment() * repeat{} loop if…else statement syntax If the expression is TRUE then the statement will be executed , otherwise (False) , nothing...

1953 sym R (2729 sym/44 pcs)

Activity 1


#Set the working directory in R (setwd()) setwd("C:\\Users\\ACER\\OneDrive\\Documents\\myRStudioFile") #read in the data (read.csv()) myPizza_data = read.csv("C:/Users/ACER/OneDrive/Documents/FRANCE/ThirdYear/FirstSem2021/CS_102_DataScience2(Data Preparation)/Lesson&Topic/pizza_delivery.csv",header = TRUE, sep =",") myPizza_data ## ...

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#LIBRARY AND PACKAGES library(readxl) #IMPORTING ICE CREAM EXCEL FILE ice_cream <- read_excel("D:/FRANCE/myRStudioFile(3rdYear)/ice-cream.xlsx") ## New names: ## * `` -> ...4 View(ice_cream) #STEP1: SET UP SCATTER DIAGRAM scatter.smooth(x=ice_cream$`Daily High Temperature`,y=ice_cream$`Sales per store`,main="Scatter Plot") #STEP2: FIND THE REGR...

2016 sym R (7422 sym/24 pcs) 1 img



#USING LIBRARY library(readxl) #IMPORTING TOLUCA EXCEL FILE Toluca <- read_excel("D:/FRANCE/myRStudioFile(3rdYear)/Toluca.xlsx") View(Toluca) #STEP1: SET UP SCATTER DIAGRAM scatter.smooth(x=Toluca$Lot_Size,y=Toluca$Work_Hrs,main="Scatter Plot") #STEP2: FIND THE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS b0 and b1 #linearModel - lm #lm = Y ~ X or lm(Dependent Vari...

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THE DPLYR PACKAGE THE DPLYR GRAMMAR select: return a subset of the columns of a data frame, using flexible notation filter: extract a subset of rows of a data frame based on logical conditions arrange: reorder rows of a data frame rename: rename variables in a data frame mutate: add new variables and columns or transform existing variables ...

2545 sym R (21110 sym/66 pcs)

Multiple Regression Model


PROBLEM TO SOLVE a. Run multiple linear regression b. Create different models. c. Find the R squared of each model and interpret. d. What is your final model? Why, discuss. INSTALL THE PACKAGES AND LOAD LIBRARIES library(psych) ## Warning: package 'psych' was built under R version 4.1.2 library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' wa...

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