Publications by Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Using plyr and doMC for quick and easy apply-family functions


A few weeks back I dedicated a short amount of time to actually read what plyr (Wickham, 2011) is about and I was surprised. The whole idea behind plyr is very simple: expand the apply() family to do things easy. plyr has many functions whose name ends with ply which is short of apply. Then, the functions are identified by two letters before ply ...

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Reading an R file from GitHub


Lets say that I want to read in this R file from GitHub into R. The first thing you have to do is locate the raw file. You can do so by clicking on the Raw button in GitHub. In this case it’s One would think that using source() would work, but it doesn’t as shown...

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userR2013 data analysis contest: data exploration


Description The useR2013 conference is organizing a data analysis contest, check the rules here. They have a package called useR2013DAC with two data sets: one from La Liga and the other one from the Formula 1. Once you download and install the package (available here), you can quickly explore the data using the following R commands: Data explora...

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ggplot Tutorial


ggplot TutorialI liked the following ggplot2 tutorial which is featured in Gabriela de Queiroz’s blog called unbiasedestimator. The tutorial looks very neatly presented and I’m sure that it will be very helpful to anyone just getting started with ggplot2 before they jump into ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis by Hadley Wickham or ...

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Creating your Jekyll-Bootstrap powered blog for R blogging


As you might have noticed, I recently decided to move Fellgernon Bit from Tumblr to GitHub. There are a couple of reasons why I made this change. I wanted a more professional-looking blog. There are not many R blogs on Tumblr, and well, long text posts are not really meant for Tumblr. Better code highlighting. I had enabled R code highlightin...

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Trying to reduce the memory overhead when using mclapply


I am currently trying to understand how to reduce the memory used by mclapply. This function is rather complicated and others have explained the differences versus parLapply (A_Skelton73, 2013; lockedoff, 2012 ) and also made it clear that in mclapply each job does not know if the others are running out of memory and thus cannot trigger gc (Urba...

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Creating awesome reports for multiple audiences using knitrBootstrap


As a biostatistics student, I use R very frequently when analyzing data. At the same time, I interact with other researchers, some who know how to use R (R crowd) and some who don’t (yet!): no-R crowd. This means that I have to be able to communicate my results to two crowds. It is important that I can quickly provide the code in case that the ...

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How to upload files to Dropbox and Google Docs from R


Have you ever wondered whether you can upload files from R to Dropbox and/or Google Docs? I recently asked myself this question while making my most recent Shiny app (more later). The answer is yes, you can upload files from R to these cloud services! Dropbox As far as I know, the best R package for uploading files to Dropbox is rDrop (Ram & Temp...

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rMaps released


Ramnath Vaidyanathan just released his new R interactive package, rMaps (Vaidyanathan, 2014). The packages relies on the development version of his widely known rCharts package (Vaidyanathan, 2013) as well as javascript libraries that specialize in maps. If you don’t know Ramnath, he is one of the most active R developers out there!! You can se...

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Automatically coloring your R output in the terminal using colorout


Thanks to Alyssa Frazee I just learned about the colorout package (Aquino, 2013). It modifies R so that the output is in different colors, making it much more pleasant to use R in the terminal. Do note that colorout is not available from CRAN, but you can easily install by following the instructions on the colorout site (Official site) reproduced...

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