Publications by Fabio Veronesi

Downloading and Visualizing Seismic Events from USGS


The unlucky events that took place in Nepal have flooded the web with visualization of the earthquakes from USGS. They normally visualize earthquakes with a colour scale that depends on the age of the event and a marker size that depends on magnitude. I remembered that some time ago I tested ways for downloading and visualizing data f...

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Extract values from numerous rasters in less time


These days I was working with a Shiny app for which the computation time is a big problem.Basically this app takes some coordinates, extract values from 1036 rasters for these coordinates and make some computations.  As far as I can (and please correct me if I’m wrong!) tell there are two ways of doing this task:1) load all the 103...

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Run Shiny app on a Ubuntu server on the Amazon Cloud


This guide is more for self reference than anything else.  Since I struggled for two days trying to find all the correct setting to complete this task, gathering information from several websites, I decided to write a little guide on this blog so that if I want to do it again in the future and I do not remember anything (this happens...

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Exchange data between R and the Google Maps API using Shiny


A couple of years ago I wrote a post about using Shiny to exchange data between the Google Maps API and R: then as far as I remember Shiny did not allow a direct exchange of data between javascript, therefore I had to improvise and extract data indirec...

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Global Economic Maps


IntroductionIn this post I am going to show how to extract data from web pages in table format, transform these data into spatial objects in R and then plot them in maps.ProcedureFor this project we need the following two packages: XML and raster.The first package is used to extract data from HTML pages, in particular from the sections marked wit...

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Interactive maps for the web in R


Static MapsIn the last post I showed how to download economic data from the World Bank’s website and create choropleth maps in R (Global Economic Maps).In this post I want to focus more on how to visualize those maps.Sp PackageProbably the simplest way of plotting choropleth maps in R is the one I showed in the previous post, using the function...

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Introductory Time-Series analysis of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pollution data


Download EPA air pollution data The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides tons of free data about air pollution and other weather measurements through their website. An overview of their offer is available here: data are provided in hourly, daily and annual averages for the following parameters:Ozone, SO...

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Introductory Point Pattern Analysis of Open Crime Data in London


IntroductionPolice in Britain ( not only register every single crime they encounter, and include coordinates, but also distribute their data free on the web.They have two ways of distributing data: the first is through an API, which is extremely easy to use but returns only a limited number of crimes for each request, the ...

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Interactive maps of Crime data in Greater London


In the previous post we looked at ways to perform some introductory point pattern analysis of open data downloaded from As you remember we subset the dataset of crimes in the Greater London area, extracting only the drug related ones. Subsequently, we looked at ways to use those data with the package spatstat and perform ba...

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Live Earthquake Map with Shiny and Google Map API


In the post Exchange data between R and the Google Maps API using Shiny I presented a very simple way to allow communication between R and javascript using shiny.This is an example of a practical approach for which that same system can be used to create a useful tool to visualize seismic events collected from USGS in the Google Maps A...

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