Publications by Fabian Dablander

Reviewing one year of blogging


Writing blog posts has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me over the last year. Some posts turned out quite long, others I could keep more concise. Irrespective of length, however, I have managed to publish one post every month, and you can infer the occassional frenzy that ensued from the distribution of the dates the posts appeared...

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Infectious diseases and nonlinear differential equations


Last summer, I wrote about love affairs and linear differential equations. While the topic is cheerful, linear differential equations are severely limited in the types of behaviour they can model. In this blog post, which I spent writing in self-quarantine to prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2 — take that, cheerfulness — I introduce nonline...

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Infectious diseases and nonlinear differential equations


Last summer, I wrote about love affairs and linear differential equations. While the topic is cheerful, linear differential equations are severely limited in the types of behaviour they can model. In this blog post, which I spent writing in self-quarantine to prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2 — take that, cheerfulness — I introduce nonline...

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Interactive exploration of COVID-19 exit strategies


The COVID-19 pandemic will end only when a sufficient number of people have become immune, thus preventing future outbreaks. Principally, so-called exit strategies differ on whether immunity is achieved through natural infections, or whether it is achieved through a vaccine. Countries across the world are scrambling to find an adequate exit strat...

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Interactive exploration of COVID-19 exit strategies


The COVID-19 pandemic will end only when a sufficient number of people have become immune, thus preventing future outbreaks. Principally, so-called exit strategies differ on whether immunity is achieved through natural infections, or whether it is achieved through a vaccine. Countries across the world are scrambling to find an adequate exit strat...

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Visualising the COVID-19 Pandemic


This blog post first appeared on the Science versus Corona blog. It introduces this Shiny app. The novel coronavirus has a firm grip on nearly all countries across the world, and there is large heterogeneity in how countries have responded to the threat. Some countries, such as Brazil and the United States, have fared exceptionally poorly. Other ...

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Visualising the COVID-19 Pandemic


This blog post first appeared on the Science versus Corona blog. It introduces this Shiny app. The novel coronavirus has a firm grip on nearly all countries across the world, and there is large heterogeneity in how countries have responded to the threat. Some countries, such as Brazil and the United States, have fared exceptionally poorly. Other ...

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Estimating the risks of partying during a pandemic


This blog post was originally published on July $22^{\text{th}}$, but was updated on August $9^{\text{th}}$ to compare the risks of partying in Amsterdam, Barcelona, and London using the most recent coronavirus case numbers. There is no doubt that, every now and then, one ought to celebrate life. This usually involves people coming together, talk...

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Estimating the risks of partying during a pandemic


There is no doubt that, every now and then, one ought to celebrate life. This usually involves people coming together, talking, laughing, dancing, singing, shouting; simply put, it means throwing a party. With temperatures rising, summer offers all the more incentive to organize such a joyous event. Blinded by the light, it is easy to forget that...

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A gentle introduction to dynamical systems theory


Dynamical systems theory provides a unifying framework for studying how systems as disparate as the climate and the behaviour of humans change over time. In this blog post, I provide an introduction to some of its core concepts. Since the study of dynamical systems is vast, I will barely scratch the surface, focusing on low-dimensional systems th...

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