Publications by Luca

Impact of natural events across U.S.


Synopsis The aim of the analysis is to understand and compare the impact of natural disasters which affected USA during the last decades. Data are collected from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) database. Since this data-set consists of more than 900K data points, the most challenging part of the analysis has be...

4108 sym R (23221 sym/20 pcs) 3 img

Capston Project - Word prediction algorithm


24/10/2021 Overview The aim of the project is to build an algorithm for word prediction. To do so, we analyze a massive dataset which comprises tweets, blogs and news. First we conduct an exploratory analysis, creating N-Grams useful for the prediction algorithm. Afterwards, we make use of the Katz back-off model. Katz’s back-off model This is...

1763 sym R (131 sym/1 pcs)



12/9/2021 Overview The aim of the project is to verify the validity of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). To do so, we make use of the exponential distribution. The idea is to simulate a large number of 40 distributions, to check whether the the averages behave as a standard normal. The parameter for the exponential, \(lambda\), is set to be equal...

1434 sym R (238 sym/1 pcs) 1 img

Universities of Rome


The aim of this small project is to point out the most famous universities in Rome, Italy. The interactive map has been created using the leaflet package in R. Seven of the biggest universities in Rome have been identified for the scope: Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata Università degli stu...

771 sym R (129 sym/2 pcs)

CLT - An experiment


23/8/2021 Introduction This small presentation shows the level of lake Huron (Michigan, USA) from 1875 to 1972. Data are collected through the dataset LakeHuron, freely available in R. To do so, we will make use of the plotly library, which gives the possibility to create interactive charts. ## Warning: package 'plotly' was built under R version...

531 sym R (364 sym/6 pcs)

Capstone project: text mining


Introduction The aim of this first step is to perform an exploratory analysis of the data. We have been provided with a massive data set. Therefore, it is important fundamental to break it down and understand its content. To do so, we will sample a set of data from the entire dataset, performing our analysis on it: we want to understand which are...

1739 sym R (5127 sym/14 pcs) 6 img