Publications by Euthymios Kasvikis
Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-1)
Shiny Application Layouts part 1 Welcome to the first part of our new series “Shiny Application Layouts”. As you can understand from the title we will see how to organize the output of our application in various ways. For this reason we will build together 10 simple apps that will help you understand what kind of interfaces shiny provides. In...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-2)
SHINY APPLICATION LAYOUTS-PLOT PLUS COLUMNS In the second part of our series we will build another small shiny app but use another UI. More specifically we will present the example of a UI with a plot at the top and columns at the bottom that contain the inputs that drive the plot. For our case we are going to use the diamonds dataset to create a...
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Shiny Application Layouts exercises part 3
Shiny Application Layouts-Navbar Page In the third part of our series we will build another small shiny app but use another UI. Specifically we are going to create a Shiny application that includes more than one distinct sub-components each with its own characteristics. For our case we are going to use the cars dataset to create a small app. Thi...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-4)
Shiny Application Layouts – Navbar Page Features In the fourth part of our series we will see some of the most important features that a Navbar page provides in order to enhance the appearance of our shiny application. We will use the “Cars” app which we built in Shiny Application Layouts-Navbar Page. This part can be useful for you in two ...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-5)
Shiny Application Layouts-Vertical Layout In the fifth part of our series we will apply the kmeans() function to the iris dataset to create a shiny application. The difference is that now we will display its result vertically. This part can be useful for you in two ways. First of all, you can see different ways to enhance the appearance and the ...
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Shiny Applications Layouts Exercises (Part-6)
Shiny Applications Layouts – Absolutely-positioned panel In the sixth part of our journey through Shiny App Layouts we will meet the absolutely-positioned panels. These are panels that you can drag and drop or not wherever you want in the interface. Moreover you can put anything in them, including inputs and outputs. This part can be useful for...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-7)
Shiny Application Layouts – Conditional Panel In the seventh part of our series we will use the rnorm() function to create a UI with a Conditional Panel. This type of Panel is visible only when the value of a JavaScript expression is true. The JS expression is re-evaluated every time shiny runs with a different input. This part can be useful fo...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-8)
Shiny Application Layouts – Dynamic UI In the eightth part of our series we will see how we can build a user interface with dynamically generated components. The UI components are generated on the server side with the use of renderUI() and are displayed with uiOutput() on the ui side. Every time a new command is sent by the user, it replaces th...
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Shiny Applications Layouts Exercises (Part-9)
Shiny Application Layouts – Update Input In the ninth part of our series we will see the updated input scenario. This is different from the Dynamic UI example we met in part 8, where the UI component is generated on the server and sent to the UI, where it replaces an existing UI component. This part can be useful for you in two ways. First of ...
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Shiny Application Layouts Exercises (Part-10)
Shiny Application Layouts – Shiny Themes In the last part of the series we will check out which themes are available in the shinythemes package. More specifically we will create a demo app with a selector from which you can choose the theme you want. This part can be useful for you in two ways. First of all, you can see different ways to enhan...
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