Publications by Euthymios Kasvikis
Building Shiny App exercises part 1
INTRODUCTION TO SHINY Shiny is a package from RStudio that can be used to build interactive web pages with RStudio which is is an open source set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R and you can download it from here. Use the examples in this tutorial to “take a first bite” and prepare for the exercises that foll...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 2
ADD CONTROL WIDGETS In the second part of our series you will see how to add control widgets in your Shiny app. Widget is a web element that your users can interact with. The widgets provided by Shiny are: FUNCTIONS actionButton: Action Button checkboxGroupInput: A group of check boxes checkboxInput: A single check box dateInput: A calendar for d...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 3
ADD CONTROL WIDGETS Welcome to the third part of our series. In this part you will learn how to build and place inside your app the rest of the widgets which were mentioned in part 2. More specifically we will analyze: 1) helptext, 2) numericInput, 3) radioButtons, 4) selectInput, 5) sliderInput and 6) textInput. As you already know from part 2 r...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 4
APPLICATION LAYOUT & REACTIVITY The fourth part of our series is “separated” into two “sub-parts”. In the first one we will start building the skeleton of our application by using tabsetPanel. This is how we will separate the sections of our app and also organize its structure better. In the second part you will learn hot to load your dat...
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Building Shiny App Exercises (part 5)
RENDER FUNCTIONS In the fourth part of our series we just “scratched the surface” of reactivity by analyzing some of the properties of the renderTable function. Now it is time to get deeper and learn how to use the rest of the render functions that shiny provides. As you were told in part 4 these are: renderImage renderPlot renderPrint render...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 6
RENDER FUNCTIONS In the sixth part of our series we will talk about the renderPlot and the renderUI function and then we will be ready to create our first visualization. (Find part 1-5 here). We are going to create a simple interactive scatterplot that will help us see the clusters that are created when we run the k-means algorithm on our dataset...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 7
Connect widgets & plots In the seventh part of our journey we are ready to connect more of the widgets we created before with our k-means plot in order to totally control its output. Of cousre we will also reform the plot itself properly in order to make it a real k-means plot. Read the examples below to understand the logic of what we are going ...
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Building Shiny App Exercises (part-8)
Transform your App into Dashboard Now that we covered the basic staff that you need to know in order to build your App it is time to enhance its appearance and its functionality. The interface is very important fot the user as it must not only be friendly but also easy to use. At this part we will transform your Shiny App into a beautiful Shiny D...
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Building Shiny App Exercises (part-9)
Shiny Dashboard Overview In this part we will “dig deeper” to discover the amazing capabilities that a Shiny Dasboard provides. Read the examples below to understand the logic of what we are going to do and then test yous skills with the exercise set we prepared for you. Lets begin! Answers to the exercises are available here. The dashboardPa...
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Building Shiny App exercises part 10
SHINY DASHBOARD STRUCTURE & APPEARANCE Finally we reached in the final part of our series. At this part we will see how to improve the structure and the appearance of our dashboard even more, according to our preferences and of course make it more attractive to the user. Last but not least we will see the simplest and easiest way to deploy it. Re...
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