Publications by Emma Sherratt

Geomorph 2.1 Now Available!


Geomorph users,We have uploaded version 2.1 to CRAN. The windows and mac binaries have been compiled and the tarball is available.Version 2.1 comes with some small changes and new features: Mike Collyer has now officially joined the geomorph team!New functions pairwise.slope.test() to compare slopes of regression lines. This is based on a new...

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Free Geometric Mophometrics – a Summary


I have seen a few questions floating around the interwebs recently from people starting up in morphometrics and wondering what is the best software to use. I am inspired by my fellow 3D expert Dr. Peter Falkingham’s blog post on free software choices for working with 3D slice data and surface models (acquired by micro-CT, laser/photo surfac...

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Tips & Tricks 4: Reading In Data Files


Today’s exercise is another nice and simple one, and allows you to get used to manipulating datasets in R.Exercise 4 – How to read a file of coordinate data into R and make sure it is numeric.Reading your data files into R  for analysis with geomorph or other packages can be challenging. Geomorph has several functions for common data fil...

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Geomorph update 2.1.1 now available!


Geomorph users,We have uploaded version 2.1.1 to CRAN. The windows and mac binaries have been compiled and the tarball is available.Version 2.1.1 contains small updates and fixes a few small bugs.New Feature: Specimens can now be rotated to their principal axes in gpagen() with option to disable (PrinAxes=TRUE by default). This helps visual...

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Geomorph update 2.1.2 Now Available!


Geomorph users,We have uploaded version 2.1.2 to CRAN. The windows and mac binaries have been compiled and the tarball is available.Version 2.1.2 comes with some small changes and new features: New functions advanced.procD.lm()for statistically comparing two or more explanatory models. This function is brought to geomorph by Mike Collyer, and c...

404 sym R (485 sym/2 pcs)

Tips & Tricks 5: Extracting Classifiers Using Substring


Today’s exercise in another easy one, and is inspired by a question from Ariel Marcy of University of Queensland.Exercise 5 – How to extract classifiers from names of specimens.Well-organised morphometricians will have a consistent naming system for their specimens, such that information about the species and ID are included in the image name...

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Geomorph To Feature At SVP 2015


Calling Palaeontology-based Morphometricians,I am pleased to announce that myself, along with Aki Watanabe and Marc Jones will be leading a Symposium and associated workshop on Geometric Morphometrics in Paleontology at the Annual Meeting for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Dallas Texas October 2015.Podium Symposium: The Shape of...

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Geomorph update 2.1.3 Now Available!


Geomorph users,We have uploaded version 2.1.3 to CRAN. The windows and mac binaries have been compiled and the tarball is available.NOTE: Version 2.1.3 has a small bug in readland.tps()that unfortunately slipped through the cracks. So you can also download the tarball of beta 2.1.4 here.This version comes with some small changes, bug fixes an...

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Tips & Tricks 6: Exploring Data for Outliers


Geomorph users,A new function in geomorph 2.1.3 allows the user to explore Procrustes superimposed data for outliers (plotOutliers). Here I shall provide a few example for loops to demonstrate how you can explore your data for outliers prior to analyses.1) plotTangentSpace to visualise aberrant individualsTo label all the individuals in the bip...

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Installing Geomorph and R by Source


Since we started having a beta version of geomorph on GitHub, we understand that installation has become a little bit more complex. We were also aware of the issues for Mac Snow Leopard users.I have written a detailed summary of how to install geomorph via Package Source or GitHub Source on the new Installation Page.Thes...

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