Publications by Educate-R - R

rCharts with slidy


My last post I talked about using rCharts to create interactive graphics for my interview presentations. They seemed to go over pretty well in my interviews and helped me greatly as I did not need to remember or write down specific numbers to talk about. I use slidy to create my HTML slideshows and there was some interest from my last post to s...

2138 sym R (11024 sym/4 pcs)

Update to highlightHTML package


I’ve added a new functionality to my highlightHTML package. This package post-processes HTML files and injects CSS and adds tags to create some further customization (for example highlight cells of a HTML table). This is most useful when writing a document using markdown and converting it into a HTML document using a tool like knitr, slidify,...

2278 sym R (1338 sym/4 pcs)

Evolution of Code


Recently while scraping some data from the college football data warehouse site, I started to realize the evolution of my code. To preface this, I am definitely not a trained programmer, just a self taught junky who enjoys doing it when I have time. I’ve slowly evolved my programming skills from simply statistics languages like r or SPSS, to ...

2542 sym R (871 sym/2 pcs)

AERA Preview


The American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference is this weekend in Philadelphia. I was lucky to have a paper accepted into the conference. I am presenting a meta analysis that I have been working on for the past two years or so titled: Model misspecification and assumption violations with the linear mixed model: A meta an...

1877 sym R (487 sym/1 pcs)

R gui Revisited


A couple months ago I wrote about switching my class from using SPSS to one that uses R with a gui frontend (original post). Since the semester has wrapped up, below are my thoughts on how the course went with respect to the students using R. Things that went well Many students by the end were starting to understand the power of R (even through...

5364 sym

Format Markdown Documents in R


Have you ever used a markdown file to create an html file? Have you ever wanted to quickly format the subsequent html file to add some color or other aspects? If your answer is yes to both of those questions, this package may be of interest to you. The highlightHTML package aims to develop a flexible approach to add formatting to an html docume...

3019 sym R (695 sym/2 pcs) 2 img

Dodged bar charts, why not a line graph?


I often see graphs that are poorly implemented in that they do not achieve their goal. One such type of graph that I see are dodged bar charts. Here is an example of a dodged bar chart summarizing the number of all star players by team (focusing specifically on the AL central division) and year from the Lahman r package: library(Lahman) library...

2030 sym R (1058 sym/3 pcs) 6 img

Offense or defense improve likelihood of becoming bowl eligible?


I saw a post recently about the likelihood of a baseball team winning based on how many runs, hits, and other baseball statistics. I liked the idea and thought of applying that to college football. Particularly, I’m interested in knowing whether scoring more points or having a stout defense improves the likelihood of becoming bowl eligible. Usi...

1381 sym R (906 sym/2 pcs) 2 img

Google location data — Where I’ve been.


I was emailed by a friend that was looking into their google location data and had asked if I had ever used a json file before in R. I said I had not, but I knew there were packages to do such things. The things I sent were things he had already tried, so what did I decide to do? I went ahead and downloaded my own google location data. If you use...

2638 sym R (1011 sym/1 pcs) 2 img

Structured simulation of regression models – simReg package.


I’d like to introduce a package that simulates regression models. This includes both single level and multilevel (i.e. hierarchical or linear mixed) models up to two levels of nesting. The package produces a unified framework to simulate all types of continuous regression models. In the future, I’d like to add the ability to simulate generali...

3057 sym R (2558 sym/4 pcs)