Publications by Drew Conway
Spatial Analytics in R Video
The video from John Myles White’s outstanding introductory talk on spatial analysis with R to the NYC R Statistical Meetup is now available in the R video repository, and is also embedded after the jump. I would like to thank John for this fantastic talk, and for those interested the slides from this talk have also been posted at the meetup web...
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Happy Anniversary NYC R Meetup
Today is the one year anniversary of the NYC R Statistical Meetup. Starting as a small group meeting in a crowded conference room, Josh Reich established the meetup as the premiere gathering of data geeks in the tri-state area. Over the past year we have had 10 meetups, and two more upcoming on the calendar, covering a wonderfully varied set of...
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How Misinformed are Tea Party Protesters About Tax Policy?
For those of you used to reading about international relations, I apologize for the following brief foray into American politics. It appears that the American Enterprise Institute and David Frum have decided to (abruptly) part ways. Before David left, however, he and his team of interns provided some interesting statistical insight into the Te...
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How to Produce Fake Data Analysis in R: 3 Easy Steps
Did you really think that a team of researchers spent their weekends counting the number of shirtless adolescent men and exposed penises they could find on Perhaps you should not answer that, as it may be a better measure of your opinion of sociologist than gullibility. It is true, sociologist do say the darndest things, but c�...
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Seamless R Extensions using Rcpp and RInside
I just added a new video to the R repository, and this one comes from the Los Angeles R Meetup. The folks in LA were fortunate enough to have Dirk Eddelbuettel—renowned R expert and StackOverflow super-user—discuss his joint work with Romain François for interfacing C++ and R code using the Rcpp package. For those looking to get a performa...
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Lots of new Videos in Rchive
I have just uploaded a bunch of new videos the Rchive (yea, that’s what I am calling it now). Most of the videos are from the April NYC meetup, which include the following talks: Pankaj Chopra—using R and Bioconductor ( for biomarker detection in cancer Andrew Ilardi—an R project that analyzes a list of stocks...
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The Next Big Thing: SAS and SPSS!…wait, what?
Thanks to the R Bloggers aggregator I came across Yihui Xie’s post on a piece currently making the rounds about statistical analysis platforms. In The Next Big Thing, AnnMaria De Mars makes the argument that R—as a statistical computing platform—is not well suited for what she views as the next big things in data analytics: dealing with v...
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Anatomy of a Life-Milestone Announcement on Facebook
As I have mentioned, I recently returned for a lovely trip to Europe. While on vacation my brilliant, beautiful, funny, and all around perfect girlfriend accepted my invitation to be my wife. Pause for shared overwhelming feeling of joy… While I am still basking in the glow of being the luckiest man on Earth, as a true data geek I could not ...
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userR! 2010 Videos to be Hosted at Rchive
Today, I am packing up the car and heading south to my old home, Washington, DC, for the useR! 2010 conference, which is being held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Incidentally, where I was an intern in the Information Technology Lab during college. If you are not able to make the trip to Gaithersburg, MD; fear not, throug...
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Local R User Group Panel from useR! 2010 (Video)
As I mentioned last week, I will be hosting videos of several of the keynote speakers from this year’s useR! 2010 conference at the video Rchive. As it happens, the first video I was able to upload was the panel discussion we held on starting local R user groups. I have uploaded the video, which is also embedded below (after the jump). I was ...
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