Publications by David Smith

Some upcoming R courses


A couple of quick notes about some upcoming R courses: In Vancouver, Canada, R trainer Isabella Ghement is presenting two R courses:  An Introduction to the Statistical Software Package R, 8:30am-4:30pm, March 30-31, 2011, Vancouver, B.C., Canada ( Advanced Statistical Modeling Using the Sta...

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Analysis: R growth continues in popularity of data analysis software


Bob Muenchen, author of R for SAS and SPSS Users and co-author of R for Stata Users, has updated his in-depth analysis of the popularity of data analysis software. Determining “popularity” for software is a tricky task, but this analysis looks at several different metrics: mailing list traffic, blogs, search volumes, job listings and other su...

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The Register profiles Revolution Analytics


Tech news site The Register has just published an in-depth profile of Revolution Analytics. It was great meeting the author Dan Olds at Revolution HQ a couple of weeks ago, and sharing with him why we think the R language is the way forward for data science: modern, applied, large-scale statistical analysis. He captures that sentiment perfectly i...

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Because it’s Friday: Do Celebrities Follow the Half Your Age Plus Seven Rule?


Remember the Dating Equation from a while back, that formula that determines the socially acceptable bounds for the age of a female companion given the age of the male partner? Well, the crack data analysis team at Revolution Analytics decided to take the 100 hottest celebrity couples of 2010, and create a scatterplot of the couple’s ages (usin...

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Reminder: useR! 2011 abstracts, earlybird registration deadline April 1


If you're planning to attend the worldwide R user conference useR! 2011, don't forget that April 1 (this Friday) is the deadline for submitting abstracts for contributed talks and posters. Early-bird discounts for attendee registrations expire on Friday as well. (Revolution Analytics is a proud sponsor of useR! 2011, and chief scientist Lee Edlef...

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Violins of Volatility


A violin plot is a combination box plot and a kernel density plot: it starts with a box plot, and adds a rotated kernel density plot to each side of the box plot. You can create violin plots with the vioplot function (from the vioplot package) package in R.  When looking at the volatility of financial instruments, the financial blogger “Milk ...

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New R User Groups in Tallahasse (FL), Hobart (TAS)


Two new R User Groups have just started up. The first us in Tallahassee, Florida, and their first meeting is on April 10. Spinning to the other side of the globe, the other is in Hobart, the capital of the Australian island state, Tasmania (their first meeting is also on April 8). It's great to see R user groups forming outside of the biggest cit...

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Revolution’s Chief Scientist: R is the Language of the Future


Revolution Analytics' Chief Scientist Lee Edlefsen was a presenter at the Structure Big Data conference in New York last week. You can download the slides from his talk, The Coming Revolution in Statistics, here (PDF 418k). In his presentation, Lee states that “R is not only the statistical language of the present, in my opinion it is the lan...

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Program announced for R/Finance 2011


R/Finance[*], the conference devoted to users of R in the financial sector, takes place every year in Chicago. The program has just been announced for R/Finance 2011 (to be held April 29 and 30), and it's jam-packed with talks from on automated trading, financial risk, hedge ratios, stochastic volatility, and much, much, more. Here's the announce...

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How to search the documentation of all CRAN packages


Ever tried to find a specific function or algorithm in R that you're sure that someone has implemented in a CRAN package, but you don't know which one? Now you can find it, in the R Packages section of R community site The R Packages section now includes the ability to browse and search help files from R packages. Use the letter ind...

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