Publications by David Smith

New R User Group in Kansas City


There's a new R User Group based in Kansas City, Kansas. Abraham Mathew just launched the group's website, and is looking for R users in the area to kick things off: This group was started to bring together R users in the Kansas City area to exchange knowledge and provide guidance to new R users. We hope to have monthly meetings at which membe...

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Run R in parallel on a Hadoop cluster with AWS in 15 minutes


If you're looking to apply massively parallel resources to an R problem, one of the most time-consuming aspects of the problem might not be the computations themselves, but the task of setting up the cluster in the first place. You can use Amazon Web Services to set up the cluster in the cloud, but even that take some time, especially if you have...

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Create Motion Charts in R with the GoogleVis package


Hans Rosling popularized Motion Charts — 2-d scatterplots that animate over time — with the GapMinder project. Motion Charts were taken to their augmented-reality extreme in this clip from the BBC programme, The Joy of Stats, but now you can create similar (if less audacious) motion charts for yourself with just R and a Flash-enabled browser....

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Winners of Mozilla Open Data Competition announced


The winners of the Mozilla Open Data Visualization competition “How Do People Use Firefox” have been announced. The competition attracted 32 entries, each visualizing an aspect of data collected in the Mozilla Test Pilot program to reveal insights about how people use the popular open-source browser Firefox. I was honoured to be asked to part...

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Visualizing the Haiti earthquake with R


Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, and to put the scale of the event in context San Francisco bureau chief for New Scientist magazine and data journalist Peter Aldhous created a time-lapse animation of all large earthquakes in the last year, beginning with the 7.0-magnitude Haiti event. Peter used USGS data, R and Fla...

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Webinar on Portfolio Design, Optimization and Stability Analysis, Jan 26


We're very excited to host a new webinar from some of the leading researchers in portfolio design: Diethelm Würtz and Mahendra Mehta for the Rmetrics Association. This webinar will give an overview on current and recent developments and tools for portfolio design, optimization and stability analysis with the R/Rmetrics software environment. Thi...

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In case you missed it: December Roundup


In case you missed them, here are some articles from December of particular interest to R users. A Facebook employee created a beautiful visualization of social connections around the world, which made a lot of news on the Web. The creator, Paul Butler, explained how he did it using R. With sponsorship from Revolution Analytics, the R/Finance c...

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A simple test to predict coronary artery disease


Coronary artery disease (CAD) results in blockages to the blood vessels that supply the heart and, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks and even death. In fact, CAD is the leading cause of death in North America and many other countries. It's important to detect CAD as soon as possible, to improve the chances of a successful treatment. M...

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Submit your talks for the R user conference


useR! 2011[*], the annual R user conference supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing, will be held this year in the United Kingdom at the University of Warwick (which is located, oddly enough, in Coventry). Last year's conference featured dozens of presentations on R's use in pretty much every domain of analysis, science and resear...

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Learning R through baseball: sab-R-metrics


The words “statistics” and “baseball” are often found near each other, but there's a lot more to statistics than dividing the number of hits by the number of swings to get a batting average. And there's a lot more to sabermetrics — the statistical analysis of baseball — than averages, too. Many baseball fans are also stats geeks (and ...

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