Publications by David Smith

Data Journalism with R at FiveThirtyEight


Since it expanded its focus from predicting the US election, FiveThirtyEight has emerged as a prominent source of in-depth data journalism, with data-driven analysis of media, culture, politics and society. A recent feature combined CDC and independent data sources to break down the nearly 34,000 gun deaths in the US in 2014 by cause of death and...

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R moves up to 5th place in IEEE language rankings


IEEE Spectrum has just published its third annual ranking with its 2016 Top Programming Languages, and the R Language is once again near the top of the list, moving up one place to fifth position. As I said last year (when R moved up to take sixth place), this is an extraordinary result for a domain-specific language. The other four languages in...

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Azure ML Studio now supports Microsoft R Open, Python 3


In Azure ML Studio, you use a browser-based “workbench” tool to flow data through pre-built data munging, machine learning and predictive modeling modules. These pre-built components perform computations in the Azure cloud and cover just about everything you'd want to do with data, including data transformation tools (add/remove columns, s...

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Farewell, where to find alternative R resources


We recently had to decomission, the R resources site created by Revolution Analytics in 2010. Links to now redirect to MRAN, which now contains much of the material which was there, including an R package directory, examples of R applications, and a guide for getting started with R. But if you're looking for something t...

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Interactive, Illustrator-quality graphics with R


While many media properties including the New York Times, FiveThirtyEight and FlowingData use the R language to prepare graphics for publication, they often use Adobe Illustrator or similar graphics tools to touch up the last 5% or so of the graphics. Not so for Switzerland's news site, whose data journalist Duc-Quang Nguyen creat...

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New cheat-sheet for the dplyrXdf package


Hadley Wickham's dplyr package is an amazing tool for restructuring, filtering, and aggregating data sets using its elegant grammar of data manipulation. By default, it works on in-memory data frames, which means you're limited to the amount of data you can fit into R's memory. Hadley also provided an extension mechanism to make dplyr work with e...

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In case you missed it: July 2016 roundup


In case you missed them, here are some articles from July of particular interest to R users.  R moves up to 5th place in the annual IEEE Spectrum programming language rankings. A guide to R-related presentations at the JSM 2016 conference. FiveThirtyEight uses R extensively for data journalism, as explained in a presentation at useR!2016. An in...

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Tuning Apache Spark for faster analysis with Microsoft R Server


My colleagues Max Kaznady, Jason Zhang, Arijit Tarafdar and Miguel Fierro recently posted a really useful guide with lots of tips to speed up prototyping models with Microsoft R Server on Apache Spark. These tips apply when using Spark on Azure HDInsight, where you can spin up a Spark cluster the cloud with Microsoft R installed on the head nod...

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The inexorable growth of student debt, charted with R


Len Kiefer, Deputy Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, recently published the following chart to his personal blog showing household debt in the United States (excluding mortgage debt). As you can see, student loan debt has steadily increased over the last 13 years and has now eclipsed all other forms of non-mortgage debt: He also created this ani...

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Extract tables from messy spreadsheets with jailbreakr


R has some good tools for importing data from spreadsheets, among them the readxl package for Excel and the googlesheets package for Google Sheets. But these only work well when the data in the spreadsheet are arranged as a rectangular table, and not overly encumbered with formatting or generated with formulas. As Jenny Bryan pointed out in her ...

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