Publications by David Smith
In case you missed it: February 2015 roundup
In case you missed them, here are some articles from February of particular interest to R users. The John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award announcement for 2015. The new R package “distcomp” allows researchers to collaborate on data spread across multiple sites. David Smith's interview with theCUBE on R, data science, and Microsoft's ...
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New Whitepaper: Connect R to other applications with DeployR
DeployR is a server-based framework that provides simple, secure R integration for application developers. It's available in two editions: DeployR Open, which is free and open-source; and Revolution R Enterprise DeployR, which adds a scalable grid framework and enterprise authentication features for production applications integrated with R. I...
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The impact of open source software on the data science revolution
It's hard to overstate the role of open-source software in the data science revolution. Tools like Hadoop, Spark, R, and Python are essential parts of the modern data science toolkit. These tools are likewise part of the solutions built by the Consulting Services group at Revolution Analytics. Our VP of Professional Services, Neera Talbert, share...
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Updated checkpoint package: faster reproducibility with more feedback
A new version of the checkpoint package for R has just been released on CRAN. With the checkpoint package, you can easily: Write R scripts or projects using CRAN package versions from a specific point in time; Share R scripts with others that will automatically install the appropriate package versions (no need to manually install CRAN packages...
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NYC is a city that does sleep, a bit
The On Broadway project collected more than 600,000 photographs taken near Broadway in New York City during a six-month period in 2014. If you're in New York, you can explore the images in an interactive installation at the New York Public Library though the end of this year. You can also explore them in your browser using this online app. In ...
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Tomorrow, 10AMPT: Live webinar on "checkpoint" package
A quick heads-up that tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10AM Pacific Time I'll be giving a live (and free) webinar: Reproducibility with Revolution R Open and the Checkpoint Package. I'll show you how to use the latest version of the checkpoint package to write R scripts without having to worry about unexpected package updates on CRAN. Here's the full abstr...
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Participate in the 2015 Rexer Data Mining Survey
Since 2007, Karl Rexer has been collecting data on the tools, skills and practices of statisticians and data miners. Over the years, his semi-annual Data Miner Survey has expanded in scope, and now includes research on the topics of data science, big data, and analytics applications on business. Unlike research conducted by big-name a...
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Replay: Reproducible data analysis with the checkpoint package
Thanks to all who attended my webinar earlier this week, Reproducibility with Revolution R Open and the Checkpoint Package. If you missed the live session, you can catch up with the slides and video replay which I've embedded below. If you just want to check out the demo of the checkpoint package, it starts at 18:30 in the video below. If you w...
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The most common R error messages
R has something of a reputation for generating, shall we say, obscure error messages like this: Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ female + DNC + SE_region + : could not find function "function (object, ...) nobject" One tip for dealing with error messages is to ignore everything between “Error in” and the colon: unless you are runni...
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A minor update: Revolution R Open 8.0.2
Revolution R Open 8.0.2 is now available from MRAN. If you're already using Revolution R Open, you won't find any major changes. This release fixes a couple of bugs, includes a new version of the checkpoint package, and splits the installation into two parts on Windows and Linux (with a separate installer for the multithreaded MKL Math libraries,...
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