Publications by David Smith

Use Data Science to help CARE International in Atlanta, March 28


CARE International is a humanitarian organization that is leading the charge to fight poverty around the world, with a focus on empowering women and girls. On March 28 in Atlanta, CARE is teaming up with Booz Allen Hamilton, Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health and Revolution Analytics to bring data scientists together to use R to...

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Deadline for R student projects for Google Summer of Code is March 21


If you're a student and you'd like to improve R by developing a new R package for 3 months over the summer — and get paid $5000 by Google in the process — why not apply for an R project in the Google Summer of Code? All you need to do browse the list of R projects available (if you have any questions about the projects, ask on the gsoc-r go...

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Data-driven March Madness (there’s an app for that)


If you're still working on your March Madness brackets or fantasy teams, Rodrigo Zamith has updated his NCAA Data Visualizer with the latest teams, players and results. Just choose the two teams you want to compare and the metric to compare them on, and this R-based app will show you the results instantly. Rodrigo Zamanth: Visualizing Season Pe...

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Learn about handling character data in R with this free e-book


Most people know R as a statistics/analytics language for analysis of quantitative data, and don't think of it as a tool for processing raw text. But R actually has some quite powerful facilities for processing character data. And as Gaston Sanchez learned, text manipulation is an important part of a modern data scientist's repertoire: Many year...

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Free eBook on Big Data and Data Science


The fine folks behind the Big Data Journal have just published a new e-book Big Data: Harnessing the Power of Big Data Through Education and Data-Driven Decision Making. (Note: Adobe Flash is required to view the e-book.) In the eBook, you'll find the following technical papers on the topics of Big Data, Data Science, and R: Data Science and it...

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Give your R charts that Wes Anderson style


I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson's movies. I love the quirky characters and stories, the distinctive cinematography, and the unique visual style. Now you can bring some of that style to your own R charts, by making use of these Wes Anderson inspired palettes. Just choose your favourite Wes Anderson film or short:  Install the wesanderson pallettes...

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R Training for SAS users in Singapore and online


Revolution Analytics has just introduced a 10-module series of R courses in Singapore. If you'd like to learn how to do data analysis in R, already know data analysis in another language like SAS and want to transition to R, or just want to enhance your R skills in a specific area, one of these hands-on courses may be of interest. The available m...

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R: Free, Popular, Powerful, Flexible and Supported


Francis Smart offers five excellent reasons to use R, in a well-researched post ideal for sharing with anyone thinking about making the switch to R. (You might also share this YouTube video for a quick 90-second introduction to R.) The post also includes a novel analysis of interest in R, as tracked by Google Trends. Given its single-letter name,...

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Seven quick facts about R


I've been spending the week at the Gartner Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit in Las Vegas, and R has been quite prominent here. Of course, R got namechecked several times on the panel about the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Advanced Analytics, and several of the regular talks mentioned R as well. I gave a short presentation on R and Revolu...

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R for Open Science


FastCompany magazine recently published an in-depth feature on Open Science, with a focus on the R language and the ROpenSci project. If you're not familiar with ROpenSci, the article gives a nice introduction from Ted Hart, a member of the ROpenSci development team: A big sea change was the need to meet digital formatting requirements of scient...

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