Publications by David Smith

Revolution Analytics and Teradata bring R into the Database


Today, Teradata announced the new Teradata Database 14.10 and with it some exciting news for R programmers: the first next-generation in-database R analytics that are fully parallel and scalable. In conjunction with Revolution R Enterprise, R users will soon be able to use the power of the Teradata Database as a massively-parallel R platform, and...

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Rrrrr! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!


Arrr, Mateys! Today be “Talk Like a Pirate Day“, t' unofficial day o' R users everywhere. (Rrrrr!) T' celebrate this swashbucklin' day, Revolution Analytics has a bunch o' pirate bandanas, eaypatches and “I love R” T-shirts t' give away t' t' best pirate pictures posted t' t' #RPirate2013 hashtag on Twitter. (If you're not on Twitter, fee...

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Real Pirate Attacks, Charted with R


To mark Talk Like a Pirate Day, Bob Rudis uses R to animate a map of the cumulative real-world pirate attacks since 1978: Looks like the Carribean and the West Indes, traditional pirate haunts, are still active. But the real hot-spot in modern times is Africa. Find the R code behind the animation at the blog post linked below. Animated ...

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Hortonworks Hadoop, Big Data and Data Science


Over at the Hortonworks blog, I've shared some resources for getting started with Data Science and R. And if you'd like to learn more about how Hadoop and R fit into the modern data artchitecture, I'll be participating in a joint webinar with Hortonworks' John Kreisa. If you'd like to join, register at the link below. The Modern Data Architectur...

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Big Data Bytes: How Open Source is Changing Business


I had a fun time on Friday in a Google Hangout chat with David Pittman (IBM), Eric Kavanagh (Bloor Group) and Tom Deutsch (IBM), where we talked about how open source is changing business. The conversation covered several open source projects including R and Hadoop, and ranged from the impact of open source on total cost of ownership, finding ta...

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R as a command-line tool for data science


Data Scientist Jeroen Janssens recently published a useful list of 7 data science tools that you can use from the command line. This doesn't just mean they're convenient tools for command-line junkies: it also means you can easily chain them together with data sources for offline, automated processes. Included in the list are JSON processing too...

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R 3.0.2 "Frisbee Sailing" now available


The latest update to the open source R project, R 3.0.2, is now available. This incremental update, codenamed “Frisbee Sailing”, mainly fixes some minor bugs, improves the organization of the distribution, improves performance in some areas, and adds a few small features (see the NEWS file for a complete list). There's also new documentation ...

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Forecasting Using R: A new online course from Rob Hyndman


Statistical forecasting is a critical component of every modern business, and Rob J Hyndman, Professor of Statistics at Monash University, is an expert in the field. He's the co-author of several books on forecasting, including Forecasting: Principles and Practice, a free on-line book that provides a comprehensive introduction to forecasting me...

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Which is the best "Flyover" state?


If you were to hop into your personal aircraft, and plotted a straight line course taking off in one state and landing in the SAME state, how many other states might you fly over? On other words, what's the best state for “flyovers” of other states? Todd Schnieder from the Rapgenius engineering team answered that question using the R language...

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R with Big Data on Hortonworks


If you missed last week's webinar with John Kreisa from Hortonworks (hosted by Data Science Central), we described how R fits into the Modern Data Architecture. Not only can you extract and distil data in Hadoop with the open-source RHadoop project, but with the forthcoming release of Revolution R Enterprise 7 you will be able to run the high-p...

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